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The DayZ SA Guide To Medical Treatment

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Hello, and welcome to my DayZ medicinal guide! Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood medic, Guppy.

I will post here official guides and videos, officially from talented medics and other sources such as the Reddit Rescue Force.

All lessons will be in spoilers, and presented in video or guide format, also with a link to the full RRF guide at the end!



Bodily Storage, Eating and Drinking, and Natural Regeneration.



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwNgTnj9hBE  http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_2193586857&feature=iv&src_vid=GwNgTnj9hBE&v=Y7-m7Hjc8zk  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOODoxaOQ0c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVGxHTXbaoo  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zci9FnbXoNE



What to Keep








Artificial Regeneration

Artificial regeneration is the process of regenerating health via an outside influence. (not your own natural body). This includes saline bags and blood bags. Unlike natural regeneration, these do NOT regenerate health. They only regenerate blood. Using a saline bag does not give you a lot of blood, but is safer than a blood bag. In order to use a blood bag, you MUST be ABSOLUTELY SURE that your blood type is compatible with the patient's. If it is not, the patient WILL DIE. There is no cure. In order to test blood types, you need to draw blood from both the donor and the patient, and test it with a blood test kit.

Here is a blood type chart, so you know which is compatible.




Cardiovascular Treatment

 From what I can gather, pulses can be checked with the update. Depending if it's weak, regular or strong, determines the player's general health. Also, Dean Hall has confirmed that players can now have heart attacks. There will be blood pressure kits, and I am assuming blood pressure will have something to do with heart attack risk. Also, it is safe to assume that heart attacks will be a direct result of shock levels spiking above blood levels, rendering said player unconscious. A deffib can be used to assist them, but ONLY if it is a result of V-fib. (heart attacks) I am also going to go out on a limb, and assume that epinephrine will also be used to treat heart attacks or low blood pressure. Though I have not experienced this, it seems heart attacks can be achieved by receiving a false defib. When defibing your friend, ALWAYS diagnose correctly! It WILL kill him! 

NOTE: Everything is subject to change, and as I have not tested this for myself, these are all unconfirmed. More testing is still needed, and I will be running some tests via an experimental server. 



Combat Medicine

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URJdMRrnypI  Combat medicine is the practice of keeping your squad in fighting condition. Whether you are bandit or hero, EVERY squad would be better off with an on-board combat medic.

NOTE: Saline bag usage has changed, they no longer restore full blood. NOTE: After further testing, I can neither confirm nor deny heart attacks and their relation to shock. Further diagnostics are needed in order to find the root cause of cardiac arrest.

Please post your suggestions, theories or knowledge below. It will help refine this thread, and make it into a more effective teaching tool for the medics of DayZ.





Unconciousness can be caused by a multitude of things, the most common being blood loss. When you lose all of your blood, it doesn't mean death. However, your character will pass out. This is best treated with a saline bag or force feeding to restore blood levels. Shock related unconciousness occurs when you sustain serious injury, and shock levels spike above normal blood levels. The best treatment for this is an epiniphrine pen..



Each medical group here offers trusted medical assistance. Go here for help!






Any other information you may need can be found at the RRF page! http://www.reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce


The Reddit Rescue Rangers official medical guide! http://radd.it/r/RedditRescueForce/comments/1t2vnk/sa_medic_field_manual_wip/

Edited by Guppy the DayZ Medic
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I like it!  Only suggestion I might make is the formatting and text color could be better, but those are just minor.

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You're taking credit for Merino's work -.-


He already has a pinned post under New Player Discussion. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159251-merinos-in-depth-video-guides-feb-11th-updated-to-034115106-new-status-indicators-rebalancing-of-hunger-thirst-stomach-blood-and-health-reg/

Edited by omgwtfbbq
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Cant quote, on mobile.

Anywho, I said the thread contained collected information from the RRF and talented medics like Merino.

in case anyone else would like to fail to read


most of this work is not my own. It is the collected information from the ENTIRE medic community.

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Section on combat medicine added! The talented work of another medic has been added to the archive.

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Small bump, just to get a little feedback. :D

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Added emergecny contact info!

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Section on unconciousness added!

The work of a talented artist added!

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Section on cardiovascular treatment updated.

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Here, this deserves a bump. It's good to have complete guides (hope it's kept up-to-date) :)

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