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Heart attack "Theory"

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all very sound theories but I would like to call bullshit on them all ... over a collective time frame of about 3 maybe 4hrs I have been providing over watch for a team ...and my 2 week+ old char is getting the "my pulse feels irregular"  messages and saying " I feel like im going to pass out" or something to that effect ... so I have not been in direct combat with players or zombies in that time period ... my cartoon has always had green energized/hydration and healthy symbols ... so this raises the questions how does laying prone looking through a long range scope give me shock ... the only possible thing that brought on these symtons is one of 2 things . .. either my character is afraid of heights or the rain constantly soaking me ...interested to know as I did no exstensive running ...I was not fired upon I was not attacked by zombies so I should have had zero shock value ...unless my toon has PTS syndrome due to its age ...and lastly to silence the 1 theory I know will be suggested no I have not eaten absurd amounts of tactical bacon

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