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Mr Sinister

The Flash light, options and ideas.

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First off as a new starter to dayz (hi all), ill apologize if these suggestion's have already been spoke about or in the pipeline, i quick searched in the forum though and couldn't find anything. 

The flashlight at night doesnt really help much at the moment, when on it sits in the bottom left corner of the screen and is more distracting than helpful, making it point where your aiming would be a good fix.


Also, a smaller flash light, for duct taping to your rifles and either flash light, being able to be held with a pistol at the same time, like the police and military do would be an attractive add also i think. Again my apologies should this subject of already been brought up, but nighttime is an area ive quickly avoided straight away and i think these would go a long way to reversing that. Besides of course, night vision goggles in the hands of the pro's then noone would go out at night, lol. Thanks for your time.

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There is a weapon flashlight that you can fit to the M4, but ducttaping that to some other weapon, which haven't got a rail system is a good idea.

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When I was new to this game, I had some problems with the flashlight as well. No worries, it's already implemented. Simply equip your flashlight, and press the spacebar. The concept of raising and lowering a weapon or tool with the spacebar is one that is used throughout the entire game, including with guns and other weapons.

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Ah, the dunce hat was necessary then to most of my post, lol. :D. Thank you for the responses, i still think the pistol and flashlight idea would be a great addition though,especially for searching houses at night, more made up threats indoors, zombies eating people on the floor when you enter, can hear them but pick them up with the flashlight late. The night atmosphere of this game could be incredible. This game has some massive potential it really does, and i think it will be the realism and fine detail side of it that will take the game into next year as the best zombie title out there. Thanks again and all the best.  

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L-shaped military flashlights, anyone?


They typically come with different colored lenses. Clear, blue and red.

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Add an option to equip a pistol/revolver and flashlight like this:




It doesn't require two hand slots or anything like that. Just make it a static pose where you have the pistol in your hand you can "add the flashlight" to "hands" and it will show this pose. You should of course be able to raise or lower it.

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How about being able to put your hand in front of the flashlight quickly to be able to avoid being spoted, it would still shine a little light but not a stream of light in one direction that might give your position away.

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  On 3/13/2014 at 7:41 PM, aknar said:

How about being able to put your hand in front of the flashlight quickly to be able to avoid being spoted, it would still shine a little light but not a stream of light in one direction that might give your position away.


Sounds unnecessary. You can just scroll on the mouse and press F (default use action).

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