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Death By Crowbar

Stuck in building void, zombie knocked me in there. Any suggestions?

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The whole zombie pathing and attacking through floors issue is bad enough, but a stupid zombie attacked me near the airfields and somehow managed to knock me into a void of a military drop building and now I cannot get out. Any suggestions? Here's a link to a screenshot of where I'm stuck currently. I've tried logging out and logging back into another server and that doesn't seem to help. Do I need to contact an admin or something? I don't want to kill myself!


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If you can get in, you can get out, it just may take some time. Try running into the area you got pushed from. I've heard logging out then back in and using the desync you get when logging in to almost "clip" out. It can be done friend, no worries. I got stuck behind the confessional in the church one time and thought I was never going to get out. I had been clipped into places before, but that was the hardest to get out. I wish I would've screen shot it though....


No worries, you'll break free in due time, just keep trying.


EDIT: try logging into a server with high ping.

Edited by ArsenicLamb

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Like an idiot I even tried chopping out with my axe for a while but I know that wasn't going to help. I tried various things going from 1st to 3rd person (I've had this do weird things like ghost me onto other side of walls before), but that didn't work. I've also tried crawling or vaulting, with no luck. I've also tried shooting to attract other zombies to knock me through the wall again but that didn't work either. Would suck to undermine a few hours of gearing up because I'm stuck in a building void. Arghhh!!!!  >:(

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Have you tried rolling out? i know my friend logged out in a house and fell through the floor, rolling got him out.


When it happened to me for some reason when i loaded in the textures of the walls took ages to load up so i was able to just run through them, but i suppose it could vary from building to building.

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Trust me, that time I was stuck in the confessional I actually got very, very angry because I couldn't get out. I mean I was stuck there for awhile, then somehow, after doing the same thing over and over again without changing anything on my own part (haha who says insanity isn't the way to go, eh?) I broke out. Try different combos.  Have you tried running and then pressing v (to step over) to the area you got pushed into? It's likely where you got pushed into isn't the only invisible "opening". Perhaps try another area to try and bust through to....Just keep trying. I always kept trying, even if it took a bit, and I always got out. 

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I've tried log rolling and other crap to get out. I cannot get out of this damn building! Are there really no dev/gm resources to help with insane situations such as this? I'm wondering if this shouldn't be reported as a bug. Another screenshot - I've tried nearly everything I can think of across 2-3 servers now and cannot break free of this damn prison.


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in your first picture, run towards the wall to the left of where you are facing, and vault, you should get out perfectly fine



Well, yeah, of course I know this isn't a finished game. But getting trapped in voids is kinda a big deal. I'd imagine a developer would want to see this and put preventative measures to prevent it and/or allow escape, no? If I just kill myself how does that help further the game? I'm trying to find out:


1. Do the devs want to see this and review any logs to see how this happened and analyze the situation.

2. Is there a way for me to escape?


I realize it's a game in progress, but when you pay $29.99 USD for it on Steam there's a level of support that should be expected, even if not a finalized product yet. The fact that it's a paid for game is where the "it's not done yet" argument falls off the tracks and becomes irrelevant, you've bought it and are expecting help/support.


"you may experience game breaking bugs"

Edited by Hi Im Brad
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Well, yeah, of course I know this isn't a finished game. But getting trapped in voids is kinda a big deal. I'd imagine a developer would want to see this and put preventative measures to prevent it and/or allow escape, no? If I just kill myself how does that help further the game? I'm trying to find out:


1. Do the devs want to see this and review any logs to see how this happened and analyze the situation.

2. Is there a way for me to escape?


I realize it's a game in progress, but when you pay $29.99 USD for it on Steam there's a level of support that should be expected, even if not a finalized product yet. The fact that it's a paid for game is where the "it's not done yet" argument falls off the tracks and becomes irrelevant, you've bought it and are expecting help/support.

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I knowww which is why I had to put in dots and the "i guess if it really comes down it". Trust me, I feel the same way. Your buildings (at least) should be solid, and zeds shouldn;t be able to clip through whatever wall they please. That's also why I had to say you should really just keep trying lol. It's frustrating I know :( I'm all too familiar with this issue. Just be patient. 

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Ok - triumph, I have broken through! After trying everything logical and silly I finally managed to somehow vault myself into that room with the computer. I'm out.

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i have been trapped in this space twice now , i run at the door and vault or the corners seems to work for me but like has been said a high ping server might help

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Finally free, logging out for the evening. Check the cowboy hat and mask, I look half respectable. I ran into a dude tonight that I thought was a zombie at first and he didn't shoot me even though I look sorta like a bandit. Fairly civil night, minus the building that ate me and held me hostage for a half hour.


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