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gregor (DayZ)

Loot on the railway.

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Although this isn't much about a loot itself, but more about places.

Firstly the luggage chambers. Here are a few pictures. One is from the medium-sized station, and others are from a small station (though seems abandoned a long time ago). Can only be opened with a crowbar or by axe (but then need much longer time and would be more noisy).













Secondly, wagons and carriages..They can stand at the stations, on a siding.

A luggage car...






A postal wagon...There may be some packages and parcels.






A prison wagon..(maybe some Makarovs and a cheap food, also there would be zeds-prisoners, who are locked in its chambers and accidentally any door might be unlocked...).







Also so called fire train (widely used in former USSR), which consist from some carriages with equipment for fire fighting and without locomotive.  They may stand on some medium-sized stations/hub, in railway single-ended sidings. More as immersion and authenticity, though may be also some loot, like food and clothing from sturdy material.







Maybe for current map this would be too much, but exist a hope for the much bigger map.

Edited by gregor
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Nicely researched, maybe the prison car thing would be a good idea if the railway connected to the planned inland prison somehow.
We can't overdo it though, this is like a 2-lane railway, not a complex system with room for lots of trains. You could fit like 3 more at the most.

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