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Looking for few more people to join our group! Vanilla Mod only

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Our group of 3-5 want to add more.  We play on 3480, 3533 and 434 servers.  We play several hours a day at varies times and you can usually find at least 1 of us on at any time of the day.

We want to add more people for few reason:

-More fun with more people!

-Help keep our helis and camps safe

-Keep the war going with our rivals and find their camps or vehicles


We can gear you up instantly and even give you a vehicle.  Helis are owned by whoever puts in the time to find and repair them, but we all share using them (as long as you're good pilot).


Our rival groups have expanded and we're being out-manned and out-gunned!


We use teamspeak to talk.


Can reply here or add me on steam "inic" or "iNick" (red hair girl pic)

Edited by lnfighter
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I will join add me on steam Cackalak2, and I have teamspeak I get on at least once a day for around 3 to 4 hours depending on school work :3

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Just a lil bump!  Could use more people to join our team!  We'll show you how to play and get you geared and vehicle'd up!

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Hey there i have been looking for a group of people to play with sense i have recently returned to playing DayZ.  I have been playing DayZ sense release of the mod on and off.  I am 26 and looking to play with people more my age group. If you wanna gimme a test run i would be more then willing to play with you guys. Just leave me a message here and ill join the servers listed and gear up till i get a response.

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Do you have steam?  add me inic or iNick.  pic with red hair cartoon girl.


If you don't have steam, i can message you the teamspeak info and you can join us.


As for gearing up, don't worry about weapons as we have just about every gun there is.  What we usually end up needing is vehicle parts as we use those very quickly.

Also if you find a czech vest pouch PLEASE save it for me!  

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Brand new player (played a few hours last night) looking for some hand-holding as I get my bearings.


I've watched all of Frankie's vids and played ARMA II so I kinda know what's going on, but still a bit slow finding the right key/control etc.


Also quite terrified of zombies at this point but I'll get past it.


Steam name: Cougarific

Usually play 1a-4a ET

I'm a mature (40+) player with many years of experience playing PC games.

I have a mic & Skype and will grab Teamspeak when I get home from work after 1a ET.

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