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ephox (DayZ)

Dayz - bad serial number given in setup

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Ich bought Arma II here:


Then i got this Key:


After this I installed Arma II Black edition. Installed Six Updater & Launcher.

Started Launcher, joined a server. After 15 seconds I got this error:

bad serial number given in setup :s

I already tried starting Six Updater first, then Six Launcher. Still the same problem. What could i do to solve the problem.. ?

€: Arma II is installed without steam!

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maybe run as admin?, but since it's black edition i dont think its like full game but then again i dont really know.

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I recently solved this for someone else who i was setting up on DayZ

He had installed ArmA II Free and steam installed ArmA II Operation Arrowhead his DayZ files were copied and put in the @DayZ folder inside the Addons folder on OA

Every time he tried to run from the desktop he got the bad serial message.

Now i think he hadn't run the ArmA II update that is offered after the Free download, but what we did after much messing about was this.

Goto steam and play the game Operation Arrowhead from within steam. (Not from the desktop)

His then installed DirectX stuff and BattleEye and 1 other patch and then it was ok to install the ArmA II beta patch and copy the shortcut form the OA folder and it all worked fine after that.

Might not fix it but thats how i did his

Good luck


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You need both Arma2 and Operation arrowhead to play DayZ.

Install both, start both untill atleast the menu screen and lets sixupdater handle the rest.

Good luck!

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You dont need to buy ArmA II (there is a free version that works)

You do need to buy Operation Arrowhead ... £14.99

You dont need to buy DayZ (free to Use)

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Arma 2 free version has reduced texture models then the bought version (just a small FYI)

But most people dont seem to care.

You just said that you bought arma 2, just operation arrowhead now and you're good to go.

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I had the same problem.

I bought ArmA: II and Operation Arrowhead.

Have you tryed to start ArmA: II and Arrowhead up before you tried DayZ ? Worked for me

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So i need to download arma II demo and buy oa?

You bought Arma 2 (Black edition only means it contains a free update, which is also downloadable on the net). But you will also need Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead in order to play DayZ.

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Good but my Arrowhead wont start...

"No entry "bin\config.bin/CfgInGameUI/MPTable.shadow´."

and then it says:

"Error compiling pixel shader PSSpecularAlpha:0"

This is getting me mad. Buy game just for DayZ which you allready know that it will be buggy.. then installation is more buggier.... :(

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i have the same problem as the guy above me just brought it day ago and click on both of them to install updates thinking there was no problem. then it starts telling me all this bull bad key and the rest.

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I got the exact same problem as the two above. Pretty annoying, I will try to google some, but strange no one else has a solution to this.

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I am also having the same problem.

I can get my ARMA 2 to work but ARMA 2 OA comes up with the error messgaes!

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