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Faith in Dayz players somewhat restored.

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I have somewhat of a good story about a nice interaction I had with a dayz player in berezino shortly after a not so good one. So I spawned in berezino after getting axed to death in my previous life as a new spawn by a bandit because he said he needed my food and yet I gave him beans and tuna and he still chased me around and all I had was a baseball bat so going against a fireaxe didnt work, but before I bleed to death I ran by a building with a guy and I screamed on the voice chat "HELP IM BEING CHASED BY A MANIAC!!" and I hear all these footsteps start moving in the buildings around me so a lot of people on the full server must have been there and they all heard me and as I got farther away him and the bandit that was chasing me met, I heard a single gun shot from a magnum--the bandit was dead.


I respawn in berezino and start looting, I rack up a lot of food an SKS rifle with ammo and some nice looking clothing as I was dressed as an all blue cowboy. I try to climb to the roof of the building and there is a glitch with the ladder so I fell and broke my leg so I left all my stuff and suicided and lone behold spawn 300 m. away from my dead body--I get back to the building and get my stuff and decide to get on the roof again and this time double tapping the sprint key worked to get me around the glitch. After awhile of looking for the bandit that killed me I look over on the apartment building roof next to me and there is a guy dressed in an orange puffer jacket and a yellow hardhat. I notice he is armed with a shotgun so I lie and tell him I have no ammo for my sks and wave to him, likewise he does the same thing. We talk for a bit and I tell him why im afraid to come off the roof (the ladder glitch) lone behold he tries to use the ladder and breaks his own leg like myself.


I say "hold on im coming over" I get over and his leg is definitely broken so I tell him to stay put and that im going to go find a stick to make a splint. I had forgotten I had a morphine injector in my backpack so I return after looting the grocery store after no luck and use the morphine on him and just like that he is walking again. After traveling together for awhile I tell him about the houses with the piano's and how they spawn the ammo that he needs and we part. I would like to hope he wouldnt have shot me if he had ammo but I cant be so sure but It was still a nice interaction that I think dayz should be about and should have more of. Players helping players. I usually always KOS when at the military bases up north but on the shore I feel the people are nicer because possessions are more scarce.  

Edited by SxeDave
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True, not everyone in DayZ is a dickhead. The people who say otherwise are just butthurt because they've been screwed over a lot because they're too trusting, sloppy, and gullible. :D


Even someone like myself who is a self-proclaimed bandit does some nice stuff for people on occasion, especially people I have a feeling are new to the game.


Btw, unless you chop that up into some paragraphs, people are gonna roll in here with "holy wall of text batman"s and "TL;DR" lol

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True, not everyone in DayZ is a dickhead. The people who say otherwise are just butthurt because they've been screwed over a lot because they're too trusting, sloppy, and gullible. :D


Even someone like myself who is a self-proclaimed bandit does some nice stuff for people on occasion, especially people I have a feeling are new to the game.


Btw, unless you chop that up into some paragraphs, people are gonna roll in here with "holy wall of text batman"s and "TL;DR" lol

Broke up in paragraphs.

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tldr without punctuation


see what i mean?

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tl;sr lol.

I've written a lot longer than that...

Edited by Geckofrog7

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