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Have Everyone Spawn in Cherno...

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I mean, come on, everyone just keeps respawning anyways until they get there, why not start everyone there?

That's where the most action is, and that's where the most beginning weaponry is usually found.

Not trying to be a dick and say "These other spawn locations suck" but... they kind of do.

There have been so many times when I have spawned at Cherno, built up a supply of something and then killed off, or fallen off a building and just want to get back to doing what I was doing in cherno, and sometimes it is just disheartening to get a spawn that is far from it.

Sure it's supposed to be a zombie survival game, but a lot of fun is taken from it when you spawn at Kamenka... let's face it, nothing good ever comes from Kamenka... No open houses, no vehicles that spawn there.... nothing.

Either spawn everyone around Cherno and Elektro (because Elektro seems to be a ghost town to me no matter what server I join, so it would make it more popular) or boost the spawns of those other towns around the shore.

Give the shore line some vehicles that spawn better, I would LOVE to get a bike at Kamenka, or a car that ISN'T broken down, something to get you the hell away from the coast and all the 'newbie bandit killers'.

I know this probably will get a lot of hate... but hey, it's better to have said something and it get rejected then to have never said anything and something good go to waste... right?

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While I understand where you're coming from I totally disagree, everyone plays this game differently, I personally hate approaching cherno if I don't have weaponry to defend myself from bandits, the only reason I can see for wanting to spawn there is to PK quickly...

part of the experience is orientating yourself and exploring, I think spawning there would remove that, also clans would hang out near spawns/loot spawns just to kill all the new players heading for them

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Jesus. No. Of all the possible places I could spawn, Cherno is extremely low on the list.

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