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Crashing and freezing in game

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Hi all, I just installed Arma2 CO (Steam) and DayZ earlier today. Everything seems to work fine until I'm in the game for what seems to be a random amount of time where the computer will either freeze or it'll blue screen (Windows 7). Usually it'll just freeze, forcing me to manually restart the computer. I can't pin down any specific reason that causes the freezes and crashes.

The shortest amount of time it took to crash was 1 minute. The longest was maybe 10-15 minutes.

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Sadly freezing and crashing can range from any number of things but the main cause can be failed hardware. Which can result in many variates of situations.

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I have a GTX 570 fully updated. What else should I check for?

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Blue screen is most likely a hardware/driver failure. Make sure your computer isn't overheating and you have the latest drivers. Also note the blue-screen error code (BCcode) as it will help you identify the problem. Once you have the BCcode you can start from there (Google is your friend).

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