forceofthegrim 16 Posted February 16, 2014 (edited) AVC is a fancy name I came up with for an idea I had for a very detailed in-game voice chat system. It would utilise proximity chat, sound barriers, and voice projection to create a voice chat system that is tactical, fun, and realistic. Simply put, it is a more complex version of the chat system that is already in place. Before I explain, let me just say this right now: While I have a fair amount of experience with game engine programs, coding, and computers in general, I am certainly NOT an expert. I have no idea how easy or hard something like this would be to implement. But, in my humble opinion, it's a pretty cool idea, and therefore I am sharing it with you.Proximity chat: Proximity chat would work in DayZ much like it already does, with the Direct Communication channel in the chat, where people can only hear you if they’re nearby. AVC would take this idea and run with it, making it so that the range at which the person’s voice projects would be dynamic, not static. This could function in two ways: Option 1: The range at which people can hear an individual is automatically adjusted according to the decibel feedback of their microphone. This way, if you want someone really far away to hear you, you have to actually yell into your microphone. If you don’t want many people to hear you, whisper into your mic. But, there may be some people who would understandably dislike this feature, which is where option 2 comes in… Option 2: The range of voice projection would be adjusted through the changing of chat channels, much like the text chat in DayZ works now. If you want to have a private conversation, switch to the whisper channel and only the people in your immediate vicinity would be able to hear you, and for talking you would switch to the talk channel, and so on, with the range of your voice projection becoming progressively larger.Sound barriers: Sound barriers would make it so that if two people are talking to each other on the other side of a wall, their voices would be at least muffled if not muted, depending on the size of the wall, whether or not there are holes or windows in the wall, if the listener is in a closed room, etc. Here’s an example:You and a friend have someone you just locked in handcuffs and led to a closed room, and you wanted to discuss your strategy for interrogating that person to see where he keeps his beans, so instead of walking half a mile away from him, simply leave the room and close the door. Your voices, to the handcuffed man, would be muffled enough that he would barely be able to make out what you are saying. This feature opens up the opportunity for realistic eavesdropping scenarios (for those out there who like stalking their victims to see if they spill the beans on, well, they’re beans), and also for new items like earmuffs and earplugs. Pop some earplugs into the handcuffed man’s ears, and then you don’t even need to leave the room to discuss what you’re going to do with him with your friend; you should just hope that he can’t read lips… And that's my idea. I don't expect this to be implemented (and if it is picked up, I would expect it to be very far down the dev. road), but I thought I would just put it out there and see what you guys think of it. Thank you for taking the time to read it. Any input would be appreciated, as all ideas can be revised and refined. Edited February 16, 2014 by forceofthegrim 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alldaypk 63 Posted February 16, 2014 well I don't see how your idea makes it worse in anyway so i'm all for it, as long as it's not too taxing on the developers and they feel up to it. TBH it sounds like just another feature i suppose. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AP_Norris 1018 Posted February 16, 2014 My idea, holding caps = shout.Microphone is always on whisper.No more talking about betraying that guy you're standing right beside over your third party program.He'll hear it same as if you were talking into a radio.At least then people cannot telepathically communicate and people may actually use radios as they are a little less of a disadvantage, and handy to have if a skype call disconnects or something.Walls softening voices and stuff = awesome BTW.Also, sound reverberating (being in a small room with someone makes them slightly louder than they would be outside).And, megaphones (possibly a police PA system in vehicles as stock in police cars or further customisation in future).Radios need to pick up environmental sound, earplugs/ muffs to either use when shooting louder weapons (especially indoors) to avoid temporary ear ringing noises. Duct tape to muffle a persons voice (they might be saying, run it's a trap, but all you hear is "mmm mibt er truub" many funny confrontations to be had.That's all I can think of / remember from others along the lines of sound at the moment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bobotype3334 160 Posted February 16, 2014 It's a bit awkward having microphones "always on" like with the fucking Xbox One Kinect, but I guess I can live with it. Shout button is a good idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TEST_SUBJECT_83 465 Posted February 16, 2014 I absolutely love this idea man! :thumbsup:I've always been an advocate if using the in game chat but at the same time realize why people don't, and IMO your idea addresses all of it's problems.You can have all my Rice my friend...screw the beans! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites