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Desperate for help with lag.

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So I bought arma 2:CO yesterday just for the dayz mod and I've had every problem in the book with it, iv resolved most of them but I still have HORRIBLE lag, 1-10 fps at Max, but it's strange because when I look into less detailed areas like if I looks into the sky I get aroun 35 fps and not much lag at all. But when I look straight ahead I have horrible game

And mouse lag. This isnt just online it's single player too, my computer

Is an acre aspire desktop with pentium dual core 3.00ghz and 6gb ddr3 ram 1tb HD and intel G45/43 express chip for the graphics card, I'm starting to think thats the problem because from what iv researched it's very weak

And even with all settings on minimum the game is unplayable. Anyone have any advice on what I can do? What my options may be? Is it my graphics card or

Is there something else I can do to fix it? Please help and thanks in advance. Sorry for the errors I'm writing this on my phone.

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Might want to fix the topic title you are using, you are not having bad lag but having very low frame rates in game. This happens a lot, the arma engine is pretty badly optimized atm, they are patching a lot of it these days though.

The main problem is having an old system you play it on. I have a quad core and a gtx 460 with 4 gigs of ram and i have to play it on low ish settings. Having a dual core and an onboard graphics card is unfortunately not good enough to be able to run it comfortably. If you really badly want to play the game then i'd suggest it is time for an upgrade.

Good luck!

( on a side note, fps is also very server dependant. You will experience the smoothest session on a server that has just restarted and the worst on a server that's been running for a while with no restart)

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How is it possible to have a rig with a 1TB HD, 6 GB of RAM but no video card? That onboard chipset is meant for browsing the internet and watching low quality videos, nothing more. You need a discreet graphics card if you want to play games.

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Hmm well I figured it was the graphic card, when you say upgrade... Would upgrading my graphic card be enough to play smoothly on low to average settings? Or does the processor need upgraded aswell..? I think I may be able to swing a graphic card upgrade but not a processor. Thanks for the replies!

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Well, here's the thing. ArmA II is a horribly optimized game. It destroys your CPU while it doesn't rely too heavily on your graphics card. A 3GHz dual core should be sufficient to run the game fairly well. I think you should be okay if you upgrade the graphics card. Just make sure your motherboard and power supply can support it.

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Okay great! Thanks man. Il look into some graphic cards right away. Really wanting to play this game -.-. Also, if I find a graphics card that's affordable can I post it here to get some opinions on it and if it will be good enough?

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