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Travel Directions

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Someone should make a video on how to get to all airfields in the game. Because, I only found one, Balota airfield near Electro but I've been trying to find Cheranaus International Airfield, which everytime I go in the direction that it's supposed to be at, I end up on the border between the finished and non-finished landscape. I have a map, but not the one that shows where the airfield is. 

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Find a map, find a compass, do some orienteering, learn some Russian via the Russian Learning Book in-game, attempt to read the roadsigns, get lost, end up in the wrong place, have fun, explore, survive.


Eventually, one day, you will reach your destination.


If you learned anything about DayZ in the next year, please let it be this:


Enjoy your time as a 'noob', wander around, don't pretend to know where you are, admit you're lost, don't look to the internet for help, and above all.. get lost.


Because once you know Chernarus like the back of your hand, you'll wish to go back to the good 'ol days. The one's you're in now.

Trust me, I would give anything to wipe my memory of Chernarus and it's locations just to have the same feeling of disorientation, hopelesness and utterly lost..ness like you are right now.


Nobodies stopping you from clicking the links below, but trust me, if you don't you'll have a better DayZ experience.

Edited by mullraugh
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Outside of the image on the first link, the rest are all landnav FM's and guides. Learn the map and landnav, it's worth it.

Edited by xRann

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Someone should make a video on how to get to all airfields in the game. Because, I only found one, Balota airfield near Electro but I've been trying to find Cheranaus International Airfield, which everytime I go in the direction that it's supposed to be at, I end up on the border between the finished and non-finished landscape. I have a map, but not the one that shows where the airfield is. 

If you found Bolota airfield, then the big one your looking for which is NW airfield is directly north from Bolota airfield.

Get a compass and just stay on a northern route from Bolota.

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Someone should make a video on how to get to all airfields in the game. Because, I only found one, Balota airfield near Electro but I've been trying to find Cheranaus International Airfield, which everytime I go in the direction that it's supposed to be at, I end up on the border between the finished and non-finished landscape. I have a map, but not the one that shows where the airfield is. 


That border is simply the edge of the map. Once you cross that line you enter the debug area which is essentially infinite open space. xD

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If you found Bolota airfield, then the big one your looking for which is NW airfield is directly north from Bolota airfield.

Get a compass and just stay on a northern route from Bolota.

I did that and still ended up where there is just nothing.

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