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Loading screen error

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It's the same problem as many others seem to be getting. Im able to join and see who's on the server and all that stuff then after a loading screen or two another comes up saying 'loading' and the bar seems to b at the very end but then nothing happens, it just seems stuck on that. I' appreciate the help and I'm even more would too with the same problem as me reading this. Thanks.

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Does this happen for every single server you try to join, or just a certain server? This happens to me occasionally on a shitty server. It forces me to task manager out of the game and shut it down, but joining a stable server fixes the problem.

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Also getting this on any server I try, this is a new account, and have not yet managed to join a server at all. Its same as above, can see server initial join screeen showing players etc, but when you try to connect its stuck on full loading bar forever.

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I filter the servers for only ones that have a max ping of 150 and the usually just picke the best one. Everyone iv tried so far just does the same thing everytime with the loading screen

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