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What's your favorite town or part of the map?

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I really love Cherno and it's surrounding areas.

Although Cherno has been kind of a ghost town these dayz.


It's honestly hard to pick a favorite, Cherno was my first thought so I went with that.

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I really prefer to stay close enough to large cities for quick supply runs. There is an unnamed area near cherno, just about 8 houses and a water fountain, where I happily and peacefully survived without too many disruptions. I'd just hole up in one of the houses, have a can of beans and a soda and read a newly looted book. (Love the fact that you can actually read the books you loot. I have yet to find Robinson Crusoe, that'd make my day.)


I'll definitely have to start heading north though, there's just too many folks running around the coast, and for players like me who like to be at peace and defend only when necessary, it'll be fantastic once you can start camping / base building. I'm thinking about starting a library then! Ha!


So yeah, definitely one of the tiny communities up north in a nice, big house.

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I feel most comfortable in the treeline around the coast, as silly as that may sound, watching other people interact through the scope of my Mosin. Sometimes I interfere. For lulz.
I keep a Wolf mask in my backpack, to put on when I feel like shouldering my Mosin and stalking someone with my axe for sport. Waiting for the right moment to induce the maximum amount of psychological trauma.


Edited by Rudette

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Sunset at the coast was just beautiful.  That was in the mod, I have not seen it in the SA yet but the colors, the colors.  Blues and oranges and purples and yellow.   Slowly fading to ruddy reds and finally night.   I would run for the coast and just stare, looking at how the pier towers changed in the light.

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I wrote it down but after consideration I don't want to share it. Too scared of someone killing me =P

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