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Checking for signs of life and alternative way for resuscitating

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I came up with a idea if you could check the status of fellow fallen survivors, whether he is breathing or not or is there a pulse. This would make it easier to choose which tools you should use to try get him up again or even if it he is dead. Many times I've struck/shot hostile player down to see them rise back again soon as I turn my back.


I also think you should be able to resuscitate another player by hands. The chance of success shouldn't be high to not make defiblators pointless.


I came up with the idea after watching this: http://youtu.be/-WofiN2c_XQ?t=3m15s


Sorry for grammar, greetings from finland :)

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Checking pulse is already in experimental branch, more medical improvements to come.

I hope anyway that they will stick more and more to a simil-realistic healt system.

And...atm you can see if someone is dead or unconscious looking closely at the way he lays down, or seeing if the option to gode the body is present. If it isn't, he's still alive.

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Checking pulse is already in experimental branch, more medical improvements to come.


Wut? Is there a changelog for this patch somewhere?

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Dean posted the following on twitter: Finally reworked the unconscious system a bit today, added checking pulses and fibrillation while I was there...

Also this: @Draconis999 @dobrowney previously there was no heart attack. now there is heart attacks.

Edited by Bawzzzz

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