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I was killed by a guy with the greatest hacks ever.

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I've played with friends who have walked outside the wall in the upstairs of houses just warp back inside.  To them nothing happened.  and no, they aren't hacking, it's just lag and desync.


Yeah, he was moving in the second floor, but was walking through the sky to me.  Nothing but desync.


People seem to think that in a game were players can barely move, people can teleport around with pinpoint accuracy within the same area.




My signature. Nuff said


Well there are times when the desync is the cause of strange occurrences.

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Lag? desync? Joke, right?


Yesterday, me and 6 friend more where killed in Elektro in a 40/40 server, for a sniper whit the "extremely well learned ability" to teleport across the map... more exactly, behind, in front, right or left of you... shot and dissapear.

Needless to say, we were all in different strategic positions.

So, lag? Desync... no way.

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Sniped in Elektro on a forty man server? Better submit a bug report.

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Sniped in Elektro on a forty man server? Better submit a bug report.

"extremely well learned ability" to teleport across the map... more exactly, behind, in front, right or left of you... shot and dissapear.

Needless to say, we were all in different strategic positions.

Edited by FuzZnator

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Really though, you can't really get mad when the lag gets you.  It isn't anyone's fault really!


The problem is that there are hackers in this game. Not a lot, but they are real. What happens is that once you experience a hacker, any type of shady experience immediately causes people to default to believing they are running into a script kiddie.


For instance, I can think of only one instance where my group and I fought someone who was using ESP hacks. Considering we were the only people on that server at the time, and we were all spread out in hiding spots a good 800 meters from each other, this guy b-lined it to all of us, one by one, and beat us to death. (He kept getting behind us, always knowing which way we were facing and turning as we turned) Considering all of us have terrain turned to low because our computers aren't super top of the line, that experience was incredibly fishy.


But there have been other times people have b-lined it towards our hiding spots and we've gotten into fights. I can't really call hacks because those servers had lots of people. Maybe they were hiding and saw where we all met. Maybe they had a spotter guiding them. Maybe our guns clipped through a wall.


I mean, hell, even the one where I say I am positive it was ESP hacks was just incredibly good luck on his part, or some other weird way he was able to see our character through trees and bushes.


But yeah, hacks are out there man. Just look on YouTube at people demoing their hacks. From what I understand, hacks cost money though, so my only hope is that BattleEye gets better and mass bans people so they constantly have to rebuy the game.... well, and their hacks, though any support to those script creators makes me upset.

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To all guys who open a thread about hackers without showing proof:


Use Nvidia Shadowplay, or atleast anything similar.


always records. much better than stupid fraps

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To all guys who open a thread about hackers without showing proof:


Use Nvidia Shadowplay, or atleast anything similar.


always records. much better than stupid fraps

Does Nvidia shadowplay work with AMD cards?

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Watch this, around the 1:00 mark, and tell me there's no hacking.



(shamelessly stolen from reddit)

Lol wddafux. Turned a IZH-43 into an AA-12.

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Sniped in Elektro on a forty man server? Better submit a bug report.

Guess I'll stop taking you seriously.

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Sniped in Elektro on a forty man server? Better submit a bug report.


I assume you are just a bad troll, but if you are serious... are you really that naive and blind to think there is absolutely no hacking whatsoever in this game?

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Lol wddafux. Turned a IZH-43 into an AA-12.


Well according to this brain-dead, blind fanboy community that doesn't realize their attitude towards this game will be its downfall, its just lag.

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Some ppl are such fanboys they will never admit to the hacking going on, Its lag lag lag lag blah blah its alpha but it cannot be hacks tho.. Get over it! this game is being trolled by lil punks who have nothing better to do then watch DayZ burn. 

Edited by Methadon36

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I don't understand this. Exploiters / script kiddies (I don't consider those "hackers") don't do themselves any long term favor. Well, it might be funny first, some shits n' giggles.


But you just ruin your game experience and those of others, while risking your account, and thus money you invested. Sorry, but these people never get to have the joy of the game. Even if they do it from time to time, it takes away the success, getting through combat, etc.


In a certain way you can say these people are utterly bad and horrible at the game, unable to accomplish certain stuff on their own. And therefore they resort to cheap cheating.


Who's really the loser? :D


I hope the worst of it will be patched. Already saw people using exploits, cheats, etc. Nearly cost me my virtual life. *Yawn* Grow up, play legit, then you might have fun once in a while.

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I assume you are just a bad troll, but if you are serious... are you really that naive and blind to think there is absolutely no hacking whatsoever in this game?


I am positive that there is hacking.  Do I think it is common?  Not in the least.  Looking at the number of people screaming hack compared to the number of people with over a hundred hours of play who have never seen it, the VAST majority of cases were people think they are seeing hackers is most likely the unstable mess that is the alpha.


When you have thread after thread of people claiming hacks, it is ridiculous.


How saying hacks are incredibly rare makes someone a fanboy, I am not really sure.  By playing this game, aren't we all fans?

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 By playing this game, aren't we all fans?

Sadly, there are those out there who purposely will buy a game just to go troll the forums and piss people off.  They then do the same thing in game

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