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Tradepost, removal of bandit skin, humanity, and other things.

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Trade Post

Some kind of "last human fort" Preferably in the countryside of the map with killable NPCs Guarding it making it "secure".

@Why we need it?

Every "post-apocalypse" game/book/film/history has at least one of these, and i think if something like that happens IRL, people will do that.

@Why in countryside?

Lets face it. Right now the players just stand in the coast while if you go for the countryside, you are alone. AND in the case of a infection that transform everyone in zumbie where do you think will be easier to create a "survivors fort" in the metrolis with Thousands of people/zombie or in the countryside with low number of people per KM²

@Why NPCs guards, not players?

Dude with 40~60 players in each server there is no way of people actually care about guarding a place.

@NPCs behavior

If anyone who are tagged as "threat" enter the area, the NPCs active the "kill-mode", one AI who shoot to kill fast. All the NPCs are Very well equipped with snipers rifle, they have their own "guard tower", who no one can climb without being tagged a threat. And of courses we have others "ground" guards with shotguns and assault-rifle.

Removal of Bandit skin.

How the name say just remove that, it's kind of useless and unrealistic.

New Humanity system.

The Basic idea of this new Humanity system is: In the end of world. what will keep our sanity? what will differs us from animals? Keep it in mind while reading the idea.

A humanity system where when you are "low" in humanity you begin to see and hear things and it gets worse with lower your humanity is, you begin to lose the hability to comunitate too, read,write,hear and speak in the mic, beginning with the side channel and going down until you lose even the direct channel.

@How i lose Humanity?

Killing-players, looting-corpses, eating raw animal meat, being completely alone. Basically any kind of non-social behavior.

@How i gain Humanity?

Eating-cooked food(not canned), burying players¹, "talking/working" with players(new system). Any other "social behavior", things we do right now.

¹burying: Hide Corpse-option, this need to get a WAY more time.

@"Hear and see" exactly what?

Hear Zombie sounds, foot-steps, gunfire.

See zombie and player who actually aren't there, dissapear when you "focus"/ put your cross-hair over them.

Talking/working with players: New System.

If you stand for X time in a radius of Y you enter in "talk mod" and gain the "Friends" status.

@Talk Mod: Both players begin to recover Humanity over time (very little), this can be boosted by actions like eating together.

@Friends Status: Both players have a bigger Radius where if they perform a action, like killing zombies, they gain Humanity. If one of the players die, the other lose a big amount of Humanity. Burying a "friend" grants almost the same amount of Humanity lost.

Blood-smell system/zombie end.

When a Player get killed, he begin to "smell blood", making respawn 5~10 zombie close of the corpse. After 5~10 mins he is "eaten" making the corpse and everything dissapear. This have side effect on items.

@on items

All the loot of a dead players is marked as "blood-scent" making who carry that always keep the noise and "visibility" bars filled. The itens can be "washed" on water sources.


Again, this bring more immersion since the smell of blood attract wild animals right now, and i see zombies as a "Wild HUMAN".

Here is some of my ideas and i still have others that IMO i need to work a little more.

I know that have a idea is easy, make it run it's not. But i think it's better at least try the suggestion.

Sorry my poor Grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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Trading post: Disagree. If there was to be one, players can take the initiative to do it themselves

Bandits skin: indifferent.

Humanity: Disagree. You're creating rules about what is good and bad behaviour. Goes against the game.

New System: Not sure I fully understand it, but it sounds like too much work to implement properly and would complicate things.

Blood smell: Not sure. Could be a good idea. But I'm more or less indifferent about this.

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Trading post: Disagree. If there was to be one' date=' players can take the initiative to do it themselves

Bandits skin: indifferent.

Humanity: Disagree. You're creating rules about what is good and bad behaviour. Goes against the game.

New System: Not sure I fully understand it, but it sounds like too much work to implement properly and would complicate things.

Blood smell: Not sure. Could be a good idea. But I'm more or less indifferent about this.


Just about Humanity. It's not about "good" or "bad" behavior. It's about simulating what crosses the mind of a people under that kind of pressure.

No one in this planet see/shot someone like it's nothing, no one see someone die and dont think nothing, soldiers train to kill and even then need to go to psychologist.

The same way is like when you go for a camp. (i dunno if it's how americans call that, basically go for a florest without eletronics and sleep in tents)

When you get back, at least i, the food i eat is tastier, the coach is more comfortable etc. It's just like that. people who live in society get used to that.

Do you ever watched Cast Away? (WILLSON!), 127 Hours? Do you ever read a book about people who "survived"?

One thing they all have in common is that: They all feel the "pain" of being alone, of being under the "unthinkable" and over time the begin to lose their minds.

People who do the unthinkable begin to lose their mind. It's a fact.

But this kind of feeling NO GAME IN THE WORLD will create immersion enough to make a person without mind problems feel this way.

That's yeah, we need to use a artificial way to make the player feel, like they are losing their minds.

I kinda of don't want to start a discussion about that there. But i just posted back to show you from what point of view i'm pointing that.

Sorry my poor Grammar.

Thx for the attention.


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I understand your point of view, but saying those things is a gross generalisation.

There are people in the world who can be unaffected by causing or observing death or torture.

There are people in the world who are unaffected by isolation and, in fact there are those who might even prefer it.

Your suggestion imposes a point of view regarding social behaviour and gives a set of rules for what can be regarded as socially acceptable or good.

It directly prevents a player's ability to create their own story from their personal reactions and experiences. It directly and deliberately affects a player's freedom of choice which goes against the beliefs that founded this mod.

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The thing about the trade post is that this game should have as little goals as possible, in my opinion.

Maybe they could implement some sort of trading system instead of a trade post. So if you want to trade with a lot of people, it should just come naturally and differ from server to server where that place is.

There shouldn't be a pre-determined place for trading. Every server/community should figure that out themselves.

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