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Cheaters are now appearing to a noticable degree

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That or the game has game breaking lag.


So this guy starts running and punching WITHOUT stopping and knocks out perfectly each time while just running...with fists thats it, i know you can run and hit at same time with weapon but not fists so the fact he never had to stop and could full on sprint and punch was a sign of BS.


It takes 3 people over 4 minutes to get him (even after I know i hit him 5 times in the head myself) when he gets knocked out everyone in the area has their game crash...coincidence...really?


I know this cause we were all in private chat, so ya WTF


Not to mention when shooting some peoples bullets clip in front of them (came across 5 people this happened with)

Edited by Slyguy65

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1) u can punch while running

2) if ur bullet clips infront of u, u probobly hit an object with a wierd hitbox. happens when ur prone and shooting to grass.

3) ofcourse u will take long to knockout a punch-runner. u r not punch running so he has advantage of constantly swinging n u are not.

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