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Anyway to lock FPS?

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I would like to lock it at 30 FPS but I doubt it is possible. Any help appreciated!

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Um, no sir...if that were possible I think we would all lock it at 60fps.

Do you understand how the whole rendering/gaming/entire process of computing it works?

Your computer is constantly receiving and sending data in order to give you a display ever second you're playing a game. If data is received and turned into a picture slower than you have less frames. You can lock your frames at 30fps if you want I suppose, however that would most likely involve you staring at a wall doing nothing.

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the vSync option will lock it to the refresh rate of your monitor.

That is to say, no faster than. Of course frames may render slower depending on the computer and what you're doing at the time.

If you're getting low frame rates, you can't do much about that except get a faster PC.


The only reason to lock it I can think of is for video capture. Fraps can capture at fixed frame rates regardless of the games frame rate.

In fact I think that when you're recording with Fraps your frame rate is locked to the recording frame rate.

Edited by Hutch

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Why would you want to? (This is a serious question, not rhetorical.)

Locking can only be effectively used to limit fps, and the only reason I can think of to do that is for the sake of consistency (see fraps, Xbox one, etc) where a variable framerate might be distracting. But I don't see any real reason you would want to limit frames otherwise

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I would like to lock it at 30 FPS but I doubt it is possible. Any help appreciated!


install msi afterburner.. in settings of the overlay (RTSS) limit it to 30 fps..

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why the hell did it post twice lol.. remove this one...

Edited by mosibfu

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You can use some of the ArmA2 Cheats in DayZ as well.


Press "Left Shift" + "Numpad -" and type "fps" afterwards (you wont see anything while typing, but will be notified when the command was entered correctly)

You can't lock the fps at 30, but at 40, 20, 10, 5 and unlimited.


The command will simply cycle trough those values.


This is only the upper limit if course, it wont give you more frames if you are below the limit anyway.



Edited by Baarn

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