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Shot some guy from point blank, no hit registered.

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As the title says, I have had a mosin for this character and several times I am aimed my sights at someone and it hasn't registered. However this time I was at Balota someone ran infront of me and stood still with his mate. I zoomed in on upper body and shot, but after the recoil he just ran away fine, didn't fall other no bleeding or anything... Anyone else getting funny hit detection with mosin (yes I realise this is an alpha, just curious).

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I have had all kinds of wonky bullet physics going on but I do suffer from some massive de-sync problems on certain servers.


Could be part of the problem but they also nerfed damage across the board for this patch.


Make of this what you will.

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Possible he got hit, but the bullet got absorbed into bean can in his jacket.

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Possible he got hit, but the bullet got absorbed into bean can in his jacket.

Works in the movies.  Why not in DayZ?


Best explanation is server lag/desync.  Sucks, but it happens.  I have been on both ends of this though.  Had a guy show up, pop off a shot at me, I chased him and my buddy wound up killing him.  Like, a minute later, I finally got hit by him and heard the gunshot.  In the same encounter, I popped off three shots at point blank while he was either logging or already dead and none of them registered.  Still a lot of server-side issues IMHO.  A long way to go before we have a perfect game.  

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What does that mean?

BFZ or Zeroing, is where you use a target to improve your accuracy by changing the front and rear site posts on an M4 or AR15 rifle.  Really applies mostly to Rifles IRL.  


In the game, using the Page up and Page down keys to adjust the distance you are shooting and tracking.  Until guns physics are perfected, this doesn't really apply.

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