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LunaTiK (DayZ)

Duped Items

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Date/Time: Don't recall but was recently 2 days ago probably

What happened: Duped Items, maybe related to putting on different skin and body respawning then logging out. Not sure if this is a repost or not but It could be. I had recently thought it was but not sure so posting it anyways.

Where you were: On the large island S/E of the map

What you were doing: Putting on ghillie suit and saving items in tent in case of respawn in water.

*Current installed version:

*Server(s) you were on: US70

*Your system specs: Q9550 @ 3.85Ghz, GTX 580 FTWs, win7 64-bit

*Timeline of events before/after error: placed items in tent, wore ghillie suit, logged out, logged in and had extra items. Seems it was the last items I placed in the tent before disconnecting. Not sure if bug is related to ghillie suit or not or if it's just the database not updating correctly due to lag of some sort with server when transferring items to tend and logging out.

I can see where a bug similar to this was found earlier in mod history doing search on forums but I think this may be slightly different as the first was fixed if i'm not mistaken.

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