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connecting/spawning mechanism

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it just happened to me that i spawned a ~20/40 server and i log out mostly in some woods to be 30sec safe. but when i logged in today a random guy stood aside me

i could just see him aiming at me in the first second my screen showed the game image and then 0.5sec later there was the shot -> YOU ARE DEAD.


i dont want safe zones like suggested in another thread, because its unrealistic.


but i think the spawning/respawning mechanism has to be taken care of to prevent such things.

i mean its alpha and from one patch to the other they just put in 30 sec anti-combat-logging delay without thinking about the consequences.

even in those 30 seconds someone could happen to be near just not visual and then kill u in the last 5 seconds of u sitting there. even if u werent involved in combat.

maybe he followed you silently from afar and just waited for you to log out.


please if u implement features to counter some bad manner tactics like combat logging, then THINK IT THROUGH.






if u hard close the dayz process (ALT +F4, proc kill etc...). 30 sec delay is fine.


but if i want to log out safely, this has to be an option because in real life i dont log out of nothing and have full awareness every second i live.

so make it like that. if i click on a "log out" button it querys a radius ~1000m around me and if there is nobody else in this radius it logs me out immediately (!!!).

now if there is someone in the radius, it may be a friend or a bandit or a neutral or whatever then i am told/asked that if i want to proceed with logging out

a 30sec sit delay will start. (so logging out near trusted friends is not a problem)

but when i didnt have anyone friendly i knew of around me, i can now abort logging out and move to a safer spot to try again.


the fact that it logs u out immediately, if no one is near (+300 sec relogging delay) should totally stop people from using this as a kind of tracker. it doesnt tell u any information about

the location of the other player(s) in terms of direction or range anyway.

i think safely logging out should be an important thing in such a game where technical circumstances shouldnt interfere with a loss of fun @ gameplay. (like dying to some random who kills u during normal logout phase, ofc betrayal by friends is still possible :D )


additionally you can make it force logout you (30sec sit delay) if u use it like 5 times in a row in a time frame of 2 minutes (and say NO to logout) when players are near, but i am not sure about that one...actually the tracking is not really a useful information for the fact that it would log you out instantly when no one is near. so i guess this precaution is unneccessary.


now the second part is how to avoid spawn kills like i experienced today. i had full equip... :(

a grace period at start would come to mind first, but i dont think its good. because then in such situations there would still be a race to who has his gun up first. because its not a normal encounter. it always catches you off guard.


i think a better solution to that problem is a similar mechanism like to prevent logging out killing.

there are 2 possiblities. i like the 2nd one more than the first.


1.) if u spawn and in a radius of 500-750m there is/are a/other player(s) then it moves you to the spot ~800m away from him on the straight line between your original logout spot and his current location. that would be very uncomplicated.


2.) if u spawn and there is another play in a radius of 500-750m there is a dialogue prompt which lets u chose between "spawn anyway" or "cancel"

     - "spawn anyway" does the obvious and spawns u at your logout spot, with the risk of being detected first, because of your player entity being visible before u can actually do shit

     - "cancel" also does the obvious and gives you the opportunity to wait and try again later, or to go onto another server without 300 sec delay.



honest opinions and please no sweeping appeasment... read it. think about it. answer if u want. thx.

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Bad luck with that one.


All of your other ideas are open to exploitation. I won't detail them here as they have been discussed to death in other threads, except to reiterate that the Devs tried all of these methods and found them to be inadequate.


TBH, they overly complicate the serverside processing without much real benefit to the ligitimate player except in those 1-in-a-thousand cases. Yes it is frustrating to see the 'You are dead!' after being so carefull, but this is DayZ, and especially ATM, life and gear are cheap.

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i'd be interested in those threads then, because i cant see more exploitation potential than there is at the actual moment with this implementation...!!!?


and are you sure you understood my concepts in total?


if there is a big discussion with a conclusion i am really interested, please link me to those thread(s).


but if not, then please take the time to understand what i am suggesting and lets talk about it.

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I like the idea of being able to cancel a log-out.  I think you should stay with your character during the logout wait time with the ability to cancel it at any time.  Combat loggers don't want to cancel it at any time so it would allow people legitimately trying to log out to avoid being killed while logging out.  I don't like the proximity check...it's going to be exploited to see if an area is clear to loot.


The proximity log in check is a decent idea...but it's going to allow loot farmers that are looking to farm good area's free pass at the area.  Now when they get to log in without the prompt, they know for a fact, nobody is within x amount of meters of them.  Bad.  When they deny logging in, they circumvent the wait time.  Double bad.

Edited by EchoRomeoCharlie

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Bad luck with that one.


All of your other ideas are open to exploitation. I won't detail them here as they have been discussed to death in other threads, except to reiterate that the Devs tried all of these methods and found them to be inadequate.


TBH, they overly complicate the serverside processing without much real benefit to the ligitimate player except in those 1-in-a-thousand cases. Yes it is frustrating to see the 'You are dead!' after being so carefull, but this is DayZ, and especially ATM, life and gear are cheap.

The Dev's looked into some of the systems you suggested and even the people who suggested the systems thought they where too exploitable, which is how the current system got implemented, I understand that once in a blue moon something like what happened to you will happen, in my case the server restarted when I was in the middle of a zombie filled town upon login my char glitched and refused to run while I was trying to raise and lower weapons to get something to happen I was mauled to death by several zombies.  Bad luck, time after that someone blew my knees out which a shotty, time before that I glitched thru a wall and fell to my death.


What I'm trying to say is that unfortunate things happen, sometimes things go in your favor, sometimes not.  But isolated events shouldn't be the basis for a large scale redesign that will create more issues by adding exploitable systems.

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Are you sure you understood my concepts in total?

Yes I understood what you posted. Sorry, I can't link to search result pages so you'll have to go to the search dialog and type in 'Combat logger', or 'logout timer', or just 'Timer'.


Start reading! You'll have to wade through the sea of whingey whiney posts to get to the discussions, but they're all in there. Take special note of the posts from the Devs.

Edited by DJPorterNZ

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