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as50? bannable?

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Hey, I shot a sniper shooting at my friend.

When I went to loot his body he had all the gear, leading me to the assumption maybe he was haxer. He had a bison sd, guille suit, coyote back pack, NVG range finder, m9sd, all the tools etc. Now I have had all of those before except the bison. (had the sd mp5) But he also had a 50 cal sniper which I believe is spawnable.

Could an admin let me know if it's ok for myself to use it? I have been doing but tbh it won't be long til im out of ammo as he did not have much. It may be that he found it all legit, I know I have found a shed load of very hard to find items but never many guilli suits ;) as well as everything else.

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It's fine if it just has the normal scope.

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Well fuck, then I have no idea how I lost mine then. I had it in my pack after I found it at a heli crash site but when I logged back on it was gone. I figured it was a hacked in item and the devs had removed it from my inventory but now I have no idea.

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Yeah, today my friend spawned in barracks and found two dead bodies, both same person it appears, he had the entire toolset, bisons SD ghillie suit, he called me over and we looted the place we're both rocking nvgs now :D

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The guy that lost his, M8 I have lost every brilliant gun in the game due to that same simple bloody bug. Epic gun replaced by some thing else... Like ammo or raw meet or an m911... Amazed my screen is still in tact. lol

Ditch your backpack and get another, seems to be a backpack glitch.

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