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bobby (DayZ)

Wasted time in the beginning

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2 out of 3 games I start end up with me running defenseless from zombies within about 30 minutes and dying like the dumb noob I am. This is intensely frustrating. Finding a weapon when you're defenseless is a painfully slow process so when I spend a half hour looking and subsequently dying, then starting over and going through the whole process again, I can easily spend an hour and a half playing before I can really start playing.

Is there something that could be done to prevent what I feel like is so much wasted time? Starting with the ability to melee would be awesome. I hate not being allowed to defend myself until I pass some sort of test that I have to take every time I start a new character.

I like the idea of starting with a melee weapon. It would in no way decrease the brutality of the mod since we just get a gun eventually anyway. It would just let us get into the actual gameplay quicker. And besides, it's more realistic that we would have at least a plank of wood or something when we begin, isn't it?

P.S. Anyone who tells me to F off and go find another game because I can't hack this one can go F off and find another thread. I'm not listening to you.

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there are a dozen guys in my squad

we have had a dozen deaths since the mak was removed from spawn

despite looting Elektro, Cherno or Balota airfield before heading north, none of these spawns has died south of xxx070

tl;dr you are doing it wrong

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While I agree starting out with no defenses is tough and basically creates a 30 min "fuck it" play style, i suggest studying this map. http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/ It will show you the all the sweet spots to find some gear. All you really need to do is identify where you spawned on the map and head in the direction with the closest loot. It will turn that 20-30mins into 10.

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I don't mind the new start, it's just the current zombies making everything awful. I hate having to run endless amounts just to lose them.

As I suggested, they need to be slower, but made deadlier. Or even just a simple shoulder ram to knock them over would be suffice. Either way, something needs to be done

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I don't mind the new start' date=' it's just the current zombies making everything awful. I hate having to run endless amounts just to lose them.

As I suggested, they need to be slower, but made deadlier. Or even just a simple shoulder ram to knock them over would be suffice. Either way, something needs to be done


you need to turn a corner and stand still, they will loose your track

this isn't a 100% through ;)

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I don't mind the new start' date=' it's just the current zombies making everything awful. I hate having to run endless amounts just to lose them.


That is also a good point. If the aggro and/or speed of the zombies was nerfed a little then being defenseless at the start wouldn't be so bad. But that would affect the whole game, not just the beginning.

I don't really want an easier game, I just think the start is too penalizing.

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I suggest making the expert and hardcore servers start with no weapon. The others start as before with a Makarov or a melee weapon.

Of course if people wanted they could start on a recruit level, get a weapon, the move to the expert server. If they want to, let them. This is a game after all.

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It can be easily balanced. Make them slower, but increase their numbers, add the ability for them to call other infected to the area and maybe even a grapple system where they hold onto you, trying to bite you and you have to kick them off

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tl;dr you are doing it wrong

Oh' date=' right. Silly me, why didn't I think of that.

I suggest making the expert and hardcore servers start with no weapon. The others start as before with a Makarov or a melee weapon.

Great idea. Really, this is such a good, simple solution. Those who still want the challenge are already probably playing on at least Veteran. And if they're not then they're all talk anyway.

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i think fixing the relative boredom of this would come with more diverse spawn points to be honest. we need new places to spawn

If new spawn points are introduced, players will just keep respawning until they get the closest possible spawn to the NWA/NEA/Stary. Until they make those places harder to loot, spawns should be restricted to the coast.

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Great idea. Really' date=' this is such a good, simple solution. Those who still want the challenge are already probably playing on at least Veteran[/quote']

it's really not a good solution at all (wait for it, wait for it.... there you go [claps] dead players will respawn on nub servers and then hop back to real servers with a mak)

unless you want to divvy up character persistency by server difficulty

but that's not happening, because rocket ultimately wants to restrict all servers to no 3rd, no Xhair, no waypoints, no map dots and no nametags

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Just like any survivor experience, finding a (better) weapon should be the most rewarding thing ever.

Don't take it for granted.

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Great idea. Really' date=' this is such a good, simple solution. Those who still want the challenge are already probably playing on at least Veteran[/quote']

it's really not a good solution at all (wait for it, wait for it.... there you go [claps] dead players will respawn on nub servers and then hop back to real servers with a mak)

unless you want to divvy up character persistency by server difficulty

but that's not happening, because rocket ultimately wants to restrict all servers to no 3rd, no Xhair, no waypoints, no map dots and no nametags

He wants no third person? Can you please link me to where he said that? Not that I don't believe you, just want to know if you're correct.

If so, I'm gonna stop playing. I only ever play in third person

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what no third person? thats a horrible idea, how are you supposed to sneak properly without 3rd person when your camera shakes like that of an alcoholic cameraman?

3rd person is a must, persons have a feeling for their body (wheres my leg? wheres my arm?) without 3rd person that'd be gone for the player

anyways, i agree on making the zombies just as fast as the player or a very small bit slower, right now they are DOUBLE your speed, you just cant get rid of them just because they're all at your ass the whole time

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I actualy realy like not spawning with a weapon. It kinda feels like playing Amnesia. I think the difficulty is acceptble.

I tried sneaking around balota aiefield with no food, no water and no weapons. I managed to find aAKM with 2 mags and a grenade. However i was in desperate need of food and water so i rushed to cherno and looted some apartments. Found 1 can of food and soda just to get me by.

I love the sense of desperation and the panic of no food that this mod gives you. Since the new spawn syatem iv met many cooperative players and met someone where both of us were shouting down the mic "drop the gun" repeatedly. I dont know about you but those encounters are much more fun that the shoot in sight bullshit we used to see everywhere.

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there are a dozen guys in my squad

we have had a dozen deaths since the mak was removed from spawn

despite looting Elektro' date=' Cherno or Balota airfield before heading north, none of these spawns has died south of xxx070


Wow you are so pro. *facepalm* Ever thought the majority of players play alone ?

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Yea recently I died to zombies (could not find any weapon, even found damned GPS but no weapon lol) near Pavlova, guess I could have D/Ced on them, but I dont like that stuff much.

Then I respawned east of Cherno, got lucky since that town was almost empty of survivors and looted lots of stuff to keep me going up north (cz backpack,enfield+3 clips,M1911+like 4 mags and also looted hospital for morphine).

What I want to say, keep trying, it is your reward in the end when you find some nice stuff.

Oh and get friend or two, being alone makes everything harder and more stressfull. Having pal watching your back is golden!

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Wow you are so pro. *facepalm* Ever thought the majority of players play alone ?

wow you are so bitter /facepalm

you ever think our respawns made it north alone?

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What is that "real gameplay" you are talking about?

Having the ability to shoot others? You are a survivor in a Zombie Apocalypse, not Rambo.

Your goal is to survive. Not join a slugfest.

The change to start without weapons made it much more frightening. And, yes, you have to be careful in the beginning or after a respawn. That doesn't mean it is impossible. It adds to the whole mood of this mod.

I also noted many players are much more cooperative suddenly. Like people would likely be if they are one of the few not searching for a nice Brain-a-colada...

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dead players will respawn on nub servers and then hop back to real servers with a mak

So? I don't see how that breaks anything. If you want the no-weapon experience then you still have it. And if it does break something then it could just restrict your character to only the server type you started on.

That doesn't mean it is impossible. It adds to the whole mood of this mod.

No one said it was impossible. I'm not bagging on it because it's hard. I just don't like how long it takes to get back into the game.

I also noted many players are much more cooperative suddenly.

Anecdotal. This is definitely NOT the case.

I'm not saying it needs to be more fair or easy. I'm just talking about cutting out a large chunk of unnecessary frustration at the beginning. We've all started a bazillion new games. We've all been through that so many times and most of us probably just want to get back into the game when we die.

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