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Vehicles and how the repairing mechanic will work

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In the mod you could pick up and carry car engines and heli rotors and it would effect your stamina the more you carry.

I was wondering with the SA being so much more geared towards realism and authenticity, to a point of course

how repairing vehicles will work.

Will we be able to just put an engine in our inventory? I somehow doubt it.


My idea was having wheel barrows and hand carts that we can pull around.

They can be somewhat common having multiple types of carts that fit different locations.

So if we find a spare part that weighs 150lbs we can maybe have the option to cover it with brush to stash it, or just mark it on our maps and hope it's still there when you arrive an hour later with a cart.


I personally want this mechanic to make sense and be somewhat realistic, and am very curious to see how it finally ends up working.

So what do you guys think the best way of going about this would be, while trying to have it make sense and not seem ridiculous like putting a heli rotor in your pants.

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No one has any input on this one?


I just think it would be awesome to be walking along and see a guy in the distance pushing a wheel barrow with 4 armed guys surrounding him.


Maybe the wheel barrows you have to use 2 hands, but the hand carts you can have a hand free for a pistol to defend yourself if your taking fire.

There could be smaller ones that can't hold bigger items and a rare large hand cart that can get the good stuff that's very heavy.

Just some ideas that are coming to me as I type this.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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Engine swap requires a hoist/A-frame and a lot of time.

Have you ever lifted out a large petrol or Diesel engine ? A wheelbarrow isn't going to take that weight.

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Engine swap requires a hoist/A-frame and a lot of time.

Have you ever lifted out a large petrol or Diesel engine ? A wheelbarrow isn't going to take that weight.

This is a game.

You really want to have to find a hoist/A-frame? How will you get the broken down car to it?

It can't be exactally like IRL, but it's got to be better than the mod.


Ok, so whats more realistic, the way the mod does it?

Which is literally putting an engine in your backpack.

Or, manually carrying it in a wheel barrow?


I'm just extremely curious is to how they will do it.

Everything I've suggested it just my opinion, I'm wondering how you guys would want to see it.

Edited by TEST_SUBJECT_83

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