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Set Launch Options - No main screen background images

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FIXED: Remove -skipIntro and -world=Empty from the launch options.


Hi all,


I've used some of the Set Launch Options suggested online for optimum performance, and one of them I think has removed the background on the main screen (I think it's '-world=Empty'). I'd like this back, and have tried removing this command but it doesn't seem to have triggered a change.


Which command has done this so I can reverse it please?

Edited by Heskey

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Correct. -world=Empty does that. Makes no sense, IMHO, when there is only one map used in DayZ.


Only used to speed up loading of the main menu, but you're still eventually going to spend that time loading the world eventually.

Edited by DJPorterNZ

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The one that gets rid of this is either -skipintro or -nosplash. Those aren't really necessary because it's still takes the same amount of time to load the game even with them off. it's either watch a small intro for BI, or look at the little dayz logo. doesn't matter really. but yeah, take them out of the argument, and it'll work.  :thumbsup:

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Looks like it's -skipIntro that does it. Removing it means I don't have the BI logo but do have the DayZ logo, then it loads in the correct backgrounds; cheers.

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