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I thought it would never happen.. guess I was wrong - cool story

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So, friend and I were over watching Balota - spotting for any movement so we can get involved in some hold up action and carry out "quiz of death" (Three easy and simple questions, if you answer incorrectly you get shot in a knee cap with FNX. If you get them right you are free to go after we empty your weapon and drop ammo around you).


So I spotted this one armed guy from a far, ran down the hill to get a close look. All of a sudden the man is gone, I take my time in the bushes - nothing *stomach grumbles*. Ok time to check out these buildings for some food, got into a building and hear someone say "hello" on direct chat. I am like, aww shiet I am in trouble.. I proceed to the exit and see a dude by the wall covering the only way out. This is impossible I think to myself, I got caught with my pants down for the first time - I passed all necessary info. to my sniper on TS but he's unable to see us. 


I am starting a conversation, just casual chat about his experiences with the game and how he's doing etc. the guy seemed pretty friendly (and didn't shoot me as I was walking out for the first time so I thought he must be friendly). 


I hear my sniper say that there are four armed guys on the airfield checking out barracks just in the back. I told him about them and said that we need to get out of here but I am not sure how we're going to figure it out - as my #1 RULE is NOT to trust anybody that I meet in the game. But something had to be done, my buddy said they're heading towards us. 


I can hear him say "Do you want to team up?" In my head I was like, no way dude but thought, I got this character for a week now.. maybe it's time for me to die? Either way I was in a lost position. 


"Ok buddy I got my M4 out but not pointing" - that was because I had mosin on my back and wanted to keep the M4.


"Lets get away from here, hit the barn and figure out whether you can join us on TS and how we’re going to tackle them four guys". 


I saw him in the kitchen with his M4 (not pointing), thought to myself that this is chance but I couldn't do it.. both of us could see each other now – at this point my heart was pounding and my pants were full.


"Ok lets go". We went outside and ran towards the barn.. (you can no idea how scared I was).. was 80% sure that he's just going to change his mind and shoot me (he was only semi geared and I had full military clothing and all that). We got to the barn, so far so good.


So we started exchanging contact details on direct and I was telling him about my little group and that we never KoS and always try holding people up, questioning them, play a game or quiz or something (keeping it interesting for both parties) and I figured.. better check what's happening outside and have a look at the town.


I look out and see two backpacks sticking out from the grass crawling towards us. I started wiggling back and forth to show him that there are people outside (they could hear us all the time and were tracking us). 


He realised and positioned himself, I said "get ready" and opened fire - our sniper was shooting as well. We managed to take both of them out and settled. I can hear my buddy say that the other two are after him and he's stuck on the hill, I told the guy to log off, download TS and add me on Steam so we can get in touch with each other and so he did. I didn’t think of killing him no more and rushed to the hills were my other friend was.


Amazing experience and our 2 man squad is now 3 J

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Nice man. Good to hear this approach actually worked out for a change. Maybe it will influence others to try again... or maybe not. :)

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I have been playing Dayz since early in the mod. I have only found friendlies to play with in game once in the entire time I've played (and they don't play the game anymore). This gives me hope as i have always had to run or defend myself after letting myself be know to people in game. I could always use the forums but there is just something about the thought of finding a legit friendly player or group completely ingame.

Edited by Chucknorris405

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It's luck and how you present yourself. The vast majority of the people I encounter are friendly and half a dozen have joined my steam list for future shenanigans. Cool story also :P

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This really is unorthodox. I mean, had I been in your new friends position I would have shot you dead no questions asked.

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This really is unorthodox. I mean, had I been in your new friends position I would have shot you dead no questions asked.

I know I'm impressed. You a bad mothafucka!


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