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Packs of... gum...

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I know what you are thinking... "What the hell would we need gum for?"

Well, consider this.

Nearly everyone on the planet has a pack of gum near by. And 99.9% of stores do also. Why not have packs of gum, for those little guys like myself who cant ever seem to find good loot for a while. Then, instead of worrying about hunger and thirst, we can chew some gum, and delay the effects of hunger and thirst.

Lets face it, if you are thirsty, and pop in some gum, you salivate yourself to be okay for the time being. And it also distracts you from being hungry. So, instead of worrying about what you may or may not find, you can find a pack of gum, and alleviate your symptoms... for a while... better start looking ASAP! That gum wont last forever >:)

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Interesting idea, I doubt they'll add it soon, but it could be an option when the game's in later development.

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Seems highly unnecessary to me. Food is plentiful enough. I have NEVER died of hunger or thirst. Gum is just one more thing that you need to balance in the game as a whole, and in your inventory. Might as well just increase the length of time before you get hungry. But I wouldn't suggest that either.

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Rehclip - I assume that is because you have great gear, and can raid things easily now... I for one, am CONSTANTLY dying after entering my first town! So I am getting very hungry and thirsty.

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I have been alive for almost 2 weeks (though I don't play every day right now, so technically, you could say I've only been alive for 5 days). I Have SOME good gear, but nothing better than a Lee Enfield and Makarov. And I have no matches.

I can't remember the last time I used my gun to kill another player. I've most certainly been in towns where I heard shooting, but I have been able to avoid it.

The last time I logged in, I was left in a far away place by my friends who already left the area. I was starving and hungry. One can one beans. I started with 10k health, and made it to a pond at 5k. That gave me enough time after that to raid a town for more food.

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And if you had a pack of gum, you wouldnt have had to worry about if you will make it to that pond ;)

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lol I suppose. But thats also part of the thrill. Its an interesting idea, I just don't think its really very necessary.

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