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This is the best PVP game ever created

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As this game grows and expands it only gets better. I know not everyone here is a fan of the whole "bandit concept" but for the ones that are and work as an organized team, this game is too good.

I haven't played a single other pvp game like this, it's the most addicting virtual crack I have ever immersed myself in to.

Rocket, my hats are off to you, for creating the most bad ass game ever made, keep it up buddy!

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its all good making teams and stuff but stop pking the new players all you are doing is making new players quit. Sure right now the community is growing but if ppl keep getting pkd its gonna start to drop off. And this community will be the equivalent of HoN and im sure no one wants that

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if ppl keep getting pkd its gonna start to drop off

if you can't handle getting shot you're playing the wrong game

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Yeah it sucks when someone PKs you, but you can as easily kill them as long as you sneak up on them. I had the chance the other day to steal a motor cycle and some gear off a bandit, but I didn't have a gun at the time so I just jumped on the back of his bike.

I was killed about 20 seconds later.

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The fact that my heart rate increases sooo much when i just see another survivor makes it much better than any other game. So exhilarating.

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I do think that DayZ suffers from being slit across so many different instances, or servers. PvP is limited somewhat to chance encounters and targets of opportunity. You can server hop to escape problems and obstacles in one server and just continue playing rather than trying to work together to overcome the obstacle. Plus due to a player's ability to just disappear into the aether, it's harder to have any real lasting rivalries emerge between players or groups of players.

So while I do enjoy DayZ PvP, it's far from being the best PvP game ever.

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Indeed, it would probably be more fun if it was a mod about zombies than a PK playground though.

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Once they fix the disconnecting when under fire thing... then it will be pretty epic. Maybe having the body stay there for a minute or so after disconnect is all they need to do.

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Welcome to Arma ladies, DayZ is just one of its flavours.

Oh and yeah, the creator made it clear that this isn't Pvp.

If you want Pvp then go play Arma game modes like AAS. They are designed for it.

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its all good making teams and stuff but stop pking the new players all you are doing is making new players quit. Sure right now the community is growing but if ppl keep getting pkd its gonna start to drop off. And this community will be the equivalent of HoN and im sure no one wants that

Me and my "squad" never shoots anyone without a gun. People are usually scared anyway, and most of the time they run away :)

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its all good making teams and stuff but stop pking the new players all you are doing is making new players quit. Sure right now the community is growing but if ppl keep getting pkd its gonna start to drop off. And this community will be the equivalent of HoN and im sure no one wants that


and I fully agree with the OP, I've been saying for this ages: survival + zombies + PvP + death being meaningful = best pvp game

just read that pc gamer interview with rocket. it goes to show just how wrong people are about this game. PvP will not kill it.

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The designer doesn't get to decide if the game is PvP or not by fiat, The mechanics he puts in the game will shape the gameplay that results.

At the moment the no consequences (people who come here to PK do *not* feel remorse on killing a survivor, quite the opposite), full-loot, exploitable and ambush friendly game means it will become a PvP game. Aided by the fact that there are limited non-PvP goals once you are geared up.

The suggestion that "self-defence" was an issue is more likely a red herring. Someone averaging 20 survivor kills an hour is not killing in self defence, and even if they are you'd want to steer clear well clear of this person which is represented by them being delineated as a bandit..

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The fact that you CAN kill other players means the game is PvP (player VS player), how can this even be denied?

It's the zombie apocalypse, you are VS. other players, you compete for guns, food, ammo, shelter.

If this element of the game was ever diminished in ANY WAY, or there were artificial 'consequences' added for killing another player, then it'd immediately lose it's whole appeal.

This is the only game going where you feel real nerves when you spot another surviver, hands down the most gripping aspect of it.

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If you guys like good arma 2 pvp, try the PR mod. Its seriously great


Its important that while DayZ offers some badass PvP game-play, there are some other mods built just for that, and they can be much more badass PvP wise. I'm ok with PvP in DayZ, but only when necessary. Some players just kill for the rush; not cool, go play PR if thats your game

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Nah, a zombie apocalypse game should be focused on survival, not sitting on a roof-top reducing the number of survivors. But the mechanics do nothing to discourage it and there's lots of people very motivated to kill players for fun so that's what happens.

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The suggestion that "self-defence" was an issue is more likely a red herring. Someone averaging 20 survivor kills an hour is not killing in self defence' date=' and even if they are you'd want to steer clear well clear of this person which is represented by them being delineated as a bandit..


All it took was 1 kill to become a bandit.

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Day Z is NOT Player-Vs-Player. Scroll down half that page to the "Player versus evolution" section' date=' the quote is the first thing you should see after the pictures.


Welcome to Arma ladies' date=' DayZ is just one of its flavours.

Oh and yeah, the creator made it clear that this isn't Pvp.

If you want Pvp then go play Arma game modes like AAS. They are designed for it.


Nah' date=' a zombie apocalypse game should be focused on survival, not sitting on a roof-top reducing the number of survivors. But the mechanics do nothing to discourage it and there's lots of people very motivated to kill players for fun so that's what happens.


please tell us how to play this game. impose you sage wisdom on us oh dear overlords.

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No, the game mechanics define that. And at the moment they say, "Killing is good, go for it".

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I'm ok with PvP in DayZ' date=' but only when necessary.


This argument is so odd to me. Like do "necessary" bullets somehow hurt less than "rush" bullets? They seem like they would both kill you in precisely the same way so I can't for the life of me figure out why it matters to you one iota why someone just opened your skull like a harvest pumpkin.

And how is it you can even tell the difference, pray tell? How do you know whether or not your death was "necessary?" And what defines necessary? Better yet, WHO defines it?

The fact is, no PvP in DayZ is ever necessary - no matter the circumstance. There's always water near enough, always food near enough, always a transfusion to be had, etc. So it's really not about necessity, is it? How could it ever be? Is it based on how low your blood is, hunger, thirst? What parameters must be met before YOUR personal subjective evaluation of PvP says it's okay to take a life? And why are your thresholds the acceptable ones while mine mean I should go play a different game?

Self-defense is really the only "necessary" PvP people seem to be universally accepting of, yet that inherently requires an aggressive, "unnecessary" PvP'er in order to make it necessary in the first place so don't you set up a bit of a yin and yang situation there saying you are fine with PvP but then basically lay out a set of rules that mean the only people you would ever actually PvP against are the ones you just got done saying should go play another game?

Some players just kill for the rush; not cool, go play PR if thats your game

No, I really won't. I'm going to stick with DayZ and play every day and you're going to have to learn to live with it.

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The game will change over time, alpha means the mechanics are not fixed.

How it evolves will depend on what the designers want, and it would surprise me if it becoming a PK playground is what they had in mind. I guess we'll find out as the game evolves.

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How it evolves will depend on what the designers want' date=' and it would surprise me if it becoming a PK playground is what they had in mind. I guess we'll find out as the game evolves.


Where is this "PK playground?" Maybe you should not go there. My partner and I have been alive for 31 and 19 days, respectively. We have ~4 vehicles and a ton of stored up loot. We play almost every day and have a ton of fun.

The constant threat of PvP makes things much more interesting, and the occasional shoot-out is really fun. Especially since we almost always win.

But "PK playground?" No. That's not the game I've put 300+ hours into. You're either playing a different game, or you're playing it much differently than me. I encourage you to alter your strategy if you think that's what the game is in its current state.

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of course game mechanics define that. what is the penalty of killing someone in a post apocalyptic world?

would you like people get struck by lightning for Pk's?

any sort of PK penalty would diminish this game immensly. just PvE is boring once you gather good gear. what am I gonna do with a DMR, snipe slow moving zombies?

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Have you guys ever read the Walking Dead comics ?

How the entire world "evolved" to work around just one rule: If you have something i need to survive or if i think you are a threat it means you are dead.

That's the only rule you've got to follow.

That's why any measure to stop PK is stupid. Sure, there are people doing it for fun. But the community needs to stop that and not the devs. I've done countless trips to Cherno / Elektro to kill bandits and help friends. I've got to say that removing the side chat kinda ruined that because right now i only go back to help friends otherwise i don't know wtf is going on there.

During the Food Shortage of early 1.7.1.x patches i had to kill 2-3 guys to get some food. Actually i hate to engage other players, i really do, i feel really tense when i have to kill another player. Sometimes after a fight i'm kinda shaky and i need a few minutes to calm down.

Today i was in the NWAF barracks, closed myself in one of the rooms while i was fixing things in my new backpack when i heard some guy opening a coke in the side room. I've tried to talk to the guy 2-3 times through direct he never answered. I just wanted to leave that place, there was nothing there. The guy didnt answer and came at me with guns blazing. I took him down, and then another one came shooting through the door and the poor SOB missed every single shot and i took him down too with my M14. Fighting for loot ? I can understand that. It's all part of the "apocalypse".

It's realistic.

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