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How to zero in with mosin when bolting takes eye off target?

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Get a bipod, deploy, go prone. Massive difference.


I have done this, even when on a hill and I still get massive recoil. Compensator and all.

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Shoot a .30 with an high powered scope and tell me if you can see where your bullet hits.


The idiot here is you.


the auto chambering animation isnt even relevant, you wouldnt be able to see where bullet lands with the weapon recoil anyway.


So stop bitching about how sniping people from 600 meters away just got harder and learn to fucking play.


Edited by Highlander007

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what the fuck is this "bolting" bullshit? its called reloading, or chambering a new round. "Bolting" is what you sissy-ass snipers do when your shots miss and your intended victims bum-rush you with M4's and magnums.


verb: bolt; 3rd person present: bolts; past tense: bolted; past participle: bolted; gerund or present participle: bolting
  1. 1.
    (of a horse or other animal) run away suddenly out of control.
    "the horses shied and bolted"
    • (of a person) move or run away suddenly.
      "they bolted down the stairs"


and as far as seeing where your round hits, left click and HOLD to see the impact- you wont get the animation until you release the left mouse button.

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