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Awkward moment

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Me and three other friends we talk on Skype and such like most others and we decided it would be a good idea to go loot this small camp site when we got there it was starting to get dark and we had looted the place by now so we leave off to go find a boat and we decided to change servers so we did, as we joined the new server a friend of mine decides lets go see if there is new stuff at the base so we said fine and we went and checked bout 3 minuets of searching we hear a jeep start up and we dash into a tent and go prone in it sitting waiting for the person to go. So we just sat there still and all of a sudden this guy just walks into the tent and i asked on Skype who is that and we kinda sat and stared off at this guy he finally realized that we were all staring at him and he started to shoot at one of my friends and we all just lit him up with our guns then my friend has to ask what do you think he was thinking I told him well probably he was thinking "crap . . ." So i have to ask what does the forum think he was thinking?

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"this isnt where i parked my car"

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He was thinking, "Jesus, I hate run on sentences."

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Any single guys want to skype?

Since when was this a pickup thread?

Generally I would think his thought process went like this: "Oh look, more people, I wonder what they want. Oh shit, they're pointing guns at me, I better fight off these three people because I'm a freaking ninja and can kill three people in close range!" At that point his soul discovered he was severely mistaken.

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