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Delfer (DayZ)

game breaking fps drop

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I know the recent patches ruined performance and are supposed to be fixed in the next one, but Im surprised by the lack of attention this horrible lag is getting. Maybe it's just me and thats why I'm asking.

I used to be able to play on very high settings, max view distance, all fine until the latest patch now my game freezes every few seconds. Has everyone found a way to minimize their lag? To me it's unplayable, even at very low settings I get the same fps drops, what can I do about this?

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I am in the same boat. I use to be able to get a reliable 30-40+ FPS with all my settings maxed out ON A GOOD SERVER. I get drastic FPS drops while moving about in game now no matter what server I'm on no matter what settings I use.

I've tried defragging my hard drive because I heard that could help but the issue still remains.

Getting FPS drops that literally freeze the screen every minute or so is just so damn frustrating.

Anyone encounter/fix this?

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I know the recent patches ruined performance and are supposed to be fixed in the next one' date=' but Im surprised by the lack of attention this horrible lag is getting. Maybe it's just me and thats why I'm asking.

I used to be able to play on very high settings, max view distance, all fine until the latest patch now my game freezes every few seconds. Has everyone found a way to minimize their lag? To me it's unplayable, even at very low settings I get the same fps drops, what can I do about this?


I haven't had any issues recently, aside from one. Upon first logging in, everything is textureless models, and it only lasts 5-10 seconds, other then that, there is no different here on my end. Who knows, these beta patches seem to affect random people, while fixing others with each progressive patch.

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I did encounter it but only in cities when the AI tracking system caused massive framedrops and horrible taxing on server load. However recent patches seemed to have ironed this out. Where do you get these drops? Everywhere?

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I did encounter it but only in cities when the AI tracking system caused massive framedrops and horrible taxing on server load. However recent patches seemed to have ironed this out. Where do you get these drops? Everywhere?

I get them everywhere. Cities' date=' forests, etc...

I do notice a measured increase of the FREQUENCY of the FPS drops while in the cities but overall its not even playable anymore.

To put a timetable on this this FPS "freeze/drop" issue has been on-going for me since 1.7+


I DO NOT wish to come off as another one of the whiny players that is just mad about game changes....

I actually really enjoy the Alpha process, testing out the experiments Rocket has for us each week is a delight. But with the particular issue I'm having I can't get a reliable enough game play experience to be able to provide feedback!


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You guys sure you aren't on bad servers? Some servers will have a memory leak or something that causes FPS to be in the toilet no matter what you do. "Good" servers are very smooth. Try a few different servers first before messing with your own settings.

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Two suggestions:

1. Try DL and installing the latest patch for Arma 2:


As an added bonus, it is suppose to fix the issue of all your ammo dropping when you switch weapons.

2. Personally, when was released, I could play for 10 minutes or so before my frame rate would crash to 2-3 FPS and stay there. Only resolution was to close out and relaunch Arma 2, but then 10-15 minutes later I would be in the same boat. Since I was running 32 bit Win 7 ultimate I decided to try DL the 64 bit compilation and installing that. Somewhat drastic, but it fixed my issue. As an added bonus my system now recognizes all 4GB of RAM installed.

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I have had this issue since 1.7 across all servers. I originally thought that servers were the source of the issue and so I didn't worry too much about it especially since .1 and .2 were all messed up as far as their respective issues.

But yeah doesn't matter what server I am on the problem follows me.

I have all the latest ARMA 2 patches installed as of yesterday(haven't checked today).

I also have X64 Vista Ult. running on my machine with 8 gigs of ram a dual core cpu running at 3.5gHz, a recently defragged HDD, and a ATi 7600 series gpu.

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I haven't had any issues recently, aside from one. Upon first logging in, everything is textureless models, and it only lasts 5-10 seconds, other then that, there is no different here on my end. Who knows, these beta patches seem to affect random people, while fixing others with each progressive patch.

That's old hat.

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