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Can anyone relate?

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Well, im gonna leave DayZ be for one or two days. lol. 


Does anyone else share the feeling I have right now. That feeling of dieing after a successful run of a couple days, getting all that sweet gear, seeing all the new sights. Having not a worry in the world. and then BLAM.. Back to the beach for you. Oh man, just makes me hate DayZ for a split second and completely deters me from launching it for a while lol.


Even worse is when I don't go down with honor. No, instead you will find me face down flattened on the sidewalk due to the 40 foot fall I just made. :)




- Stephen

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I once was killed 6 times in one day.

Yet I still put my faith in people...

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For sure.


Sometimes it's good to take a break and do other things. Then you can come back fresh. That goes for most anything.

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I take every weekend off. Not really by choice, I work on Sat. and Sun. I have been known to take a day off after a death too, but only if I played a few hours already. Most of the time, I find I cannot wait to get back in.

If when I log in, I do not have my matching outfit. Then I will be sad for a brief moment then after the desync subsides I will already be in the mindset of getting off the coast and finding some new toys.

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I know exactly how you feel. Had great gear and the game decided to glitch on me, lost my m4 and good loot and back on the beach. It's healthy to take a break my friend xD

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I ran into the side of the mountain...  'You are Dead'.  Worse thing was, when I respawned  I couldn't find any freshspawns to take my anger out on!

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I took a couple days/ almost a week out. My char has been sick and bleeding for a while now, also starving. I have 5 cans of pristine spaghetti in my invo I cannot open with my wrench *sadface* and the fact my screen is black and white due to my char being half dead kinda puts me off playing, and I have too much cool stuff to commit suicide. Trying to loot houses for a screwdriver or fresh fruit then getting chased for miles in the wrong direction by Zeds ain't cool. Time out until i can be bothered to stick it out a long stint.

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dying the undeserved death is the worst really, no fun biting down on that shit sandwich..

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To share a different  dead experience the "Deserved dead"


Recently I learned that having sweet gear from military bases and airfileds=weapons, tons of ammo, meds, food, etc. makes you greedy, suspicious, paronoid, scared.


I survived for almost 5 or 6 days...More gear I had more I was scared of other players.

But also  I got careless with my sniper mosin and other gear on me. Again  I went to airfield at night and suprisingly meet two characters there armed same way I was. Killed them unnowingly...like a coward..from fear. Looted the airfield( eastern one ) greedily took even more gear and ammo.


And then got sniped in ATC looting a corpse, never even saw it coming...like those other guys who I killed minutes before the same way...they were even geared a similar way...like being on the run for dayZ too.

I didn´t felt any regret for being killed, I deserved it and I was kinda waiting for it. After you get all the stuff you can and possibly carry there is not much to do then be scared of others or look for trouble with others. Ends the same way: you kill, they kill.


I rewpawned and in minutes I meet a player...no aggresion..no reason for it..just looked at each other...saluted and went our way.


Must add I play DayZ for few days only now. But today i finally learned not get attached and maybe even lost fear from interaction now.

Edited by Mr. Lifer
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^ That's a good story. The game has a numbing effect like that the more you play it if playing solo. In groups the dynamics are usually a little more fun.

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    I've actually had many glitched falls, from at least 20m up and I don't die... Anyway, I agree with Mr. Lifer, the more stuff I get, the more scared I am of other players, which doesn't make sense... I feel more vulnerable, and easier to kill. Most DayZ vids say "Don't feel invincible with a gun", I feel exactly the opposite, I literally sit in a corner for at least a minute to listen for people before I go outside... One time I was at the NE airfield, thought I'd be kind've safe there as there isn't as many people as NW or Balota. I run out to head to the town right next to it, and BAM M4 straight to my back. I was kind've sad because I had 2 40 round mags, 3 30 round mags, an m4 with nearly all prestine parts, at least 5 food items, 2 med kits, 2 canteens, and lots of other useful stuff. All because of one noob that was a KOS, he couldn't aim either, took him about his full mag to kill me... I wanted to raise my gun and take a shot for his head, but I was so close to the cover of the control tower I kept running, and that was the end of me... From now on I must KOS, for my own good...

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