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To the friendly lad that was accidentally axed out front of the office near Berezino

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My cousin and I saw you and we talked. We parted ways, my cousin warned you about an armed fellow running the way you were heading. We decided were going to give you an extra weapon so I called you to come back. You were being chased by a zombie so my cousin went to kill the zombie and accidentally hit you. We took out the zombie, and you were unconscious. I went through your bag and found saline, and he tried to use the defib on you. He said it said you were revived, but you disappeared right after it happened. I was going to saline you if that didn't work but you were gone. Hope you didn't die. We waited around for about 10 minutes to see if you would suddenly appear but you didn't. Sorry about the axing, hopefully you recovered.

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I'd agree with that but it said he was unconscious. He was also talking to us. If he died, I don't think his body would have disappeared 2 minutes after it happened :(

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I'd agree with that but it said he was unconscious. He was also talking to us. If he died, I don't think his body would have disappeared 2 minutes after it happened :(


It shouldn't really disappear either way.

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I agree. Oh well. Figured I'd post about it just in case. In the small chance he sees it, I'd rather he not be turned to the darkside of bandithood.

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