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Vehicle didn't save - why?

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So I was with a friend on a server in our vehicle and we started to disconnect, we had saved the vehicle every time we stopped every 5 minutes. When the server came back we spawned in different locations we were about 20/30 minutes prior, our vehicle is not in any of the locations we had been in the last half an hour. Any idea why this would be? I thought saving would protect it from server crashes/restarts but we're pretty bummed as we has stashed a lot of loot (handful of fals, loads of blood, spare stuff etc).

I'm pretty sure it's gone forever now, but what might be have done wrong to cause it to disappear after the server crash/restart and what can we do next time to protect our vehicle?


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Vehicle saving is very buggy, sometimes they come back on server restart and sometimes not, don't get too attached and enjoy them as much as possible when you can.

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As mentioned vehicles and tents (anything bound to a server really) is currently buggy and unstable - this is very much work in progress territory.

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Does this sound like whining to you? I made a very clear statement that I don't care it's lost but would like to know what I might have done wrong. You should read properly.

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I also lost a tractor that didnt save

and FN FAL, AS50, M107, Bizon Sd i found on 2 separate heli crashes in a tent that didnt save.

part of alpha imo

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