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Is there no force effect to getting shot?

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maybe they should make it so your aim gets all "smacked" all over the place, when your shot your vision will spaz in a certain direction for every bullet that hits you


That would be a good compromise.


Or when sprinting getting shot trips you up and your own running moment causes you to fall forward.

getting shot causes you to lose control of your character for a split second so you cant immediately return fire since you are still in shock at the unsuspecting gunshot.

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If you spray someone with enough M4 bullets in DayZ to render them unconscious from shock or dead from bullet damage (both systems already modeled in the game) then they lose the ability to fight back immediately.


Lag can sometimes make 'immediately' happen at different times for shooter and victim, though, and it's not going to be fixed by adding a whole new system. Optimizations might remedy this in the future, be patient until then.

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I'd like to see a greater penalty to being shot.

Myself and two friends got into a three-way firefight last night involving at least 8 people, or rather, we counted 5 corpses afterwards, though it was a little hard to tell with all the shots flying. While two of us made it out unscathed, our point man with the M4 took at least three hits, and still managed to sprint to cover and bandage up, which just seemed ridiculous to us.

Sure, his vision was blurry, but after some saline transfusions and natural regeneration, he was good to go. There should be some sort of serious impairment to reflect the trauma of being shot. Whether that should be impaired movement or terrible aim, I don't know. But as it stands, small calibre rounds are just too easy to shrug off.

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