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Game stutter

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I am not sure if this is related to the fps issues or is something unique to my machine. My game play is not smooth, depending on the server every 3-5 steps that I take in game the game freezes for a half to a full second. The issue has allways been there to some degree, but with a longer interval and shorter freeze time untill the latest patch that introduced rain effects. Now when its not raining I get the stutter and when it is raining I can barely move. "EDIT" {the stutter does not occur if i am standing still and just turning in place, I can spin around as fast as I want smoothly but the stutter begins when i start to walk or run}

I have tried all of  the fps/lag fixes that I could find, set launch options, adjusted config files and profile files, I even set everything to the lowest possible setting including resolution to lowest, it did not effect the stutter at all. This happens when I am on servers with 39 ping all the way up to unplayable pings in the 200's with the change of ping not effecting the stutter at all.


My system:


AMD Phenom II 955 BE CPU OC'd to 3.8 --runs at 46c when running dayz, 42c for most other games.


Geforce GTX 670 2gb GPU running Geforce 332.21 driver version --runs at 50c running dayz 45c for most other games.


8gb Ripjaws DDR3 RAM




Samsung spinpoint 500gb hdd 


2 monitor setup, old dell lcd secondary and an Asus ML238 that runs the game.


Windows 7 64bit

Avast free edition antivirus - active

Malwarebytes antimalware - active

Windows firewall - disabled


DSL internet connection:

3Mb down

.80Mb UP

(fastest available connection in my area, I know its slow but i can play any other multiplayer games without issue)

Edited by jim45682

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