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First three days in game....any noobie advice please

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Hi, complete noob here,not having a complaint, just asking for advice. I have played three days here, usually around four hours a day, and I still have not found any food clothing or weapons. With different spawns places, I always die of hunger before Iget to the larger places. Each day I have tried at least 10 different servers, BTW I'm in Australia. I have watched many you tube video of other players and they always seem to find stuff. Help!

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The loot doesn't respawn until a server restarts and the problem is that around the areas that you spawn loads of other players have already been around there

Imagine only ten people on a server, even if 2 of those loot the starting areas that's going to leave almost nothing or nothing at all

The best thing to do is head inland as soon as possible, follow a road into the woods or hills and you should come across a house or two with something there

And remember if all the doors are open in the town or city it's unlikely to be worth the effort of searching it

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Hi, complete noob here,not having a complaint, just asking for advice. I have played three days here, usually around four hours a day, and I still have not found any food clothing or weapons. With different spawns places, I always die of hunger before Iget to the larger places. Each day I have tried at least 10 different servers, BTW I'm in Australia. I have watched many you tube video of other players and they always seem to find stuff. Help!

You wanna group up with me?

I can play often,and I know how to find weapons,now I am a fresh spawn as I died jumping off a building!

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Running with your "fists up" or "equipped" is faster than running with them down.

There are wells around, and you can drink from them!

Loot near the coast can be pretty scarce if the server hasn't restarted in a while. But, learning the cities and areas around the coast is a good way to start learning how to navigate DayZ's dauntingly huge map. If you wish to do this, try a low-pop server.

Going inland, as mentioned, will yield more loot.

Avoid armed people, and don't be friendly without being cautious.

Edited by Rudette

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Im a new player too, it's my 5th life in-game and well its the best life ever! Don't go inland, although people say "Cities! Deathtraps!" They are your best chance at survivng, after all what do you have to lose? The first 2 times I played I went in land and nearly both times died of hunger and thirst despite coming accross two small towns, the last 3 lives I have gone to 1 of the 3 big coastal cities and always found an axe, tons of food and some cargo pants and a jacket, and only ever nearly been killed once. Just remeber in towns without an axe never sprint go crouch and walk everywhere becasue if a zombie hears you you are dead. Also look on the Dayz wiki map, tells you were all the loot spawns, I used it to find my 4 rifles on my way to cherno during my last life and then found an SKS because of it.

PS dont go to airfields, alwasy someone there even if there is only 4 players, best bet is a military base, I have been on one for 2 days now, got some good loot (tons of ammo, tacti vest, gas mask, ttsko trousers, boots, food + drink and medical equipment) all without seeing one person.

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