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We should be allowed to clear waves of zombies.

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I have NO complaints on this game, i love the whole sandbox world ran by its players.

BUT one thing really bugs me and really ruins the immersion for me. Zombies.

I love zombies, but i don't like how they just keep spawning and spawning. You should be given the choice to waste your ammo and risk breaking bones or dieing. You cant shoot zombies, if you shoot they will come at you, and spawn over and over until your out of ammo and die. This includes very small areas, isolated buildings.

It can be a real downer sometimes, i was thinking maybe just limit the amount of zombies spawned in that particular area, and if they die put a 5 minute revival timer on them. That way it gives you time to walk around an area a bit that you cleared, without the worry some zombie will spawn next to you and cheap shot you.

Just a suggestion.

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Seeing as this is "just a suggestion", why not put it in the suggestion section.

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