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sewing kit

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first thing i want to say: GREAT idea!


but can you bring back demaged clothes to prestine? or is worn the best you can get?

i was able to repair a shirt from demaged to worn with a badly demaged sewing kit.

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I found a worn and repaired my chothes from very damaged to worn...i dont think it will go beyond that, maybe with a pristine sewing kit?! Or maybe later when every condition will have a different texture...

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It seems you can only repair clothing up to worn and you can't repair ruined items.


Can you sew up wounds? That would be John Rambo epic.

I like the way you think, good sir.
Edited by DarkwaveDomina

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I won't be able to play for a little while. Anyone have a pic of the sewing kit?



So far the only benefit to pristine/worn clothes is that it can better protect you from zombies somewhat.. right?


I imagine down the road they'll protect you better from cold and/or pockets will become unusable with damage. Not sure if either of these has been confirmed but it'd be awesome!

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you should be able to add pockets to your v clothing with sewing kit and unwanted clothing.

or pouch to backpack

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So far the only benefit to pristine/worn clothes is that it can better protect you from zombies somewhat.. right?

If you go with camo I find it's preferable to have worn/pristine, with damage the colour fades and can compromise your ability to maintain stealth.

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