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Military Backpack

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I think this would be a great edition to the game, an 60 slot military backpack which only spawns in Barracks, Airfields, nowhere else.


P.S It'll come with a free water canteen on the side :D (You can keep your Coffee warm in it )



Edited by TedZ
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60 slots?! That's not a backpack, that would be a ruck sack and it would be much larger than that in the picture. It would also significantly reduce your movement. I can day from experience, with even just 30-40 lbs of gear in a ruck sack or backpack (which really isn't that much), plus all the other gear you have on you will pretty much stop you from being able to run more than 300m at a time and needing a decent amount of a walking pace to rest to be able to do this again.

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A quick search would have brought up multiple threads on the same topic.

I already know, but it's not the exact same as mine, mine has a wonderful picture and made by wonderful ted... i do know how to use the search function.

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I want a bigger improvised backpack, which is upgraded with cloth/leather, rags, duct-tape and/or rope.

the leather would make it durable against weather and  keep the backpack in its shape.

the rags will keep it elastic

the duct-tape will make it indestructible.





Best would be upgraded with leather/rags and rope, to be honest.

Edited by irishroy

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I believe this is more the style of pack you'd want for 60 slots.






The pack you posted is like a single day patrol bag. I use one of those as a range pack. It hold quite a bit, but no where near 60 slots worth of stuff.

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Thats not a real military issue backpack. It looks like one of those airsoft ones you see made in China. I think you want something more like this. http://zenbackpacking.net/Fabric/Ruck.jpg Also you never want to put Coffee, or anything that isn't watter for that matter in a canteen as sugar will ruin it.

i think he meant thermos

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60 slots?! That's not a backpack, that would be a ruck sack and it would be much larger than that in the picture. It would also significantly reduce your movement. I can day from experience, with even just 30-40 lbs of gear in a ruck sack or backpack (which really isn't that much), plus all the other gear you have on you will pretty much stop you from being able to run more than 300m at a time and needing a decent amount of a walking pace to rest to be able to do this again.




A rucksack is typically similar in size to the mountaineering pack already in the game, so maybe 40 slots. or 35, and it just looks different. The hunting pack already in there is the closest thing so far.


^ was just ribbing you dude, but in all seriousness guys can run (jog) for quite a long time with all their gear without needing a break. These aren't your typical 3rd tier soldiers though.. 

basically 95% of the population would be incapable anyway. (from experience)


I do think the game should have some penalties for the amount of gear your carrying. To be able to sprint away like a madman at the same speed as a guy carrying nothing but a rifle and a canteen is pretty ridiculous. Would add a new balance to the game and things to consider when running around. You would have to drop your pack somewhere outside of town before you went in, in case you got into a fight or had to make a run for it.


I mean really, nobody is going to be running all the time with 90lbs of equipment nomatter how fit and mentally hard you are. 

Edited by Mack674

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I think we can scrap this whole "cant run for 300m without stopping while wearing this backpack." because in all honesty, the survivors in game should have no problem running with this if they can sprint for an infinite amount of time.

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the fuck do we need 60 slots for? 


the mountain backpack is as big as a house, and we get 35. 60 would need to be about double that size backpack.......


mountain backpack should be increased 40-45 slots and is the biggest backpack in game. Then more camo backpacks should be introduced to take up the 35-40 range. 


either that or a military backpack the size of the mountain backpack. 


But mainly I don't think we need more than 40-45 slots. Alot of people are gonna need to stop carrying 300+ rounds of ammunition, if they wanna carry their food, tent, cooking gear etc, and that's the way it should be.  

Edited by Capo

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But mainly I don't think we need more than 40-45 slots. Alot of people are gonna need to stop carrying 300+ rounds of ammunition, if they wanna carry their food, tent, cooking gear etc, and that's the way it should be.  


300 5.56 rounds of none glitch stacked ammo is only 4 slots if you have an ammo can, 600 if you glitch stack.

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