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Shoe sizes and clothing sizes

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I think it would be a nice addition to further individualize your character (besides blood types) if there were several different shoe sizes and clothing sizes in the game and like the blood type, your character will start with specified sizes when you spawn.


Shoes and clothes are very common loot, so why not add some penalties if you are wearing the wrong sizes, like for example reduced speed while wearing wrong shoe sizes or cold resistance penalties when wearing clothes that are too short.

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That would be more of an annoyance than a feature. This is a game afterall.

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That would be more of an annoyance than a feature. This is a game afterall.


You have a point but the fun thing about this game are those annoyances that makes it slightly harder and more realistic. Also you get almost spammed with shoes so it wouldn't really that much of a problem.

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That would be more of an annoyance than a feature. This is a game afterall.

Yes, but it's a survival game, it'd be pretty hard in real life to find your exact shoe size if zombies stole them, i know pretty much noone on my street has my shoe size :P

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I think it would be a nice addition to further individualize your character (besides blood types) if there were several different shoe sizes and clothing sizes in the game and like the blood type, your character will start with specified sizes when you spawn.


Shoes and clothes are very common loot, so why not add some penalties if you are wearing the wrong sizes, like for example reduced speed while wearing wrong shoe sizes or cold resistance penalties when wearing clothes that are too short.


No. This just adds frustration for no reason, while adding nothing to the game.

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This is a good idea. I, for one, appreciate reasoned sadism when it comes to features of DayZ. This idea in particular is clearly realistic and makes plenty of sense.


So you found shoes, but of wrong size? That's just what would happen. And in a Hiking Simulator that does matter a good deal. Also, I don't see how it would add frustration. After all, the effect is the same as making clothes and shoes rarer.


Unfortunately, I find it hard to believe that this would ever be implemented.

Edited by janol

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This topic made me remember a scene from "Book of Eli". He finds a shoe, get his feet up, measures the shoe he found on his feet. Figures that it is OK and puts it on. Dances for the new shoes.


When you are trying to survive, everything you find must be valuable...

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I'm all for realism, but I think this would be a little too tedious.

Using this logic, blood types must be too tedious too. 


gave OP my beans. 


I also propose belts for the starving.

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Using this logic, blood types must be too tedious too. 


gave OP my beans. 


I also propose belts for the starving.

Not really, I enjoy the detail behind blood types and what have you. It's the little things that really bring immersion to this game!

It's just.. I don't really find the loot to be an accurate representation of what's in a house, more like what our character finds that useful to her/him..  For example, how many houses aren't going to have a kitchen knife? I enjoy looting to much. I am against anything that makes 90% of my loot useless to me. Imagine how marginally low your chances of getting a particular piece of clothing would be? The area you were win would have had to roll it as a spawn. Then make another roll to see what size it was. Astronomically tedious.

Edited by Rudette
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An Ok use for this might be later in the game when loot starts to get really scarce. So instead of just not spawning too much clothing(which might make the world feel empty loot wise) this might be used as a way to still keep stuff that you can use rare, but keep a good amount of usable loot around the world instead of replacing it by junk items that are there just as fillers. 


On a second thought though it might just not be something that fits in a game like Dayz.

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Not really, I enjoy the detail behind blood types and what have you. It's the little things that really bring immersion to this game!

It's just.. I don't really find the loot to be an accurate representation of what's in a house, more like what our character finds that useful to her/him..  For example, how many houses aren't going to have a kitchen knife? I enjoy looting to much. I am against anything that makes 90% of my loot useless to me. Imagine how marginally low your chances of getting a particular piece of clothing would be? The area you were win would have had to roll it as a spawn. Then make another roll to see what size it was. Astronomically tedious.


Well, there are zombies everywhere and people have used what they had before vanishing. You just loot the left overs, so there should be a lot of trash loot but much less of useful things between them.

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It is an interesting idea, but I don't think it adds to the game play. For example, when I played yesterday, I found a badly damaged hoodie about 45 minutes after coming in as a new spawn. I was like 'Yes!' (more inventory slots)...but if I were to run across several pieces of clothes that I could not wear because the size was too small, it would become more of an annoyance than anything.


Currently, loot is rare enough that finding most anything useful is a minor treasure and I am liking it that way.

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Waste of time, check.

Lack of realism, check.

Pointless idea, check.


Unless Rocket adds 5-20 shoes per house this makes no sense, because I doubt you are all weird and only have 1 pair of shoes at home.

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I think this is a fantastic idea, would actually add some value to the clothes.

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no this would get really annoying since in real life, clothes would be really common, like 6 jeans a house. Unfortunately, servers cant handle that amount of loot. 

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As some people already said: This makes no sense as long as there aren't closets with MANY more clothing items in every house...

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My idea for this was that you'd have a shoe size just like you have blood types. That shoe size is either large, medium, or small to keep things simple. When putting on a shoe of the wrong size you get a message of: this shoe feels too [loose||tight] depending on what it is.


In general: unless you're wearing the right shoe size, you would get a penalty of some sort, either increased energy loss, slower speed, etc.


Screw unrealism, ya bunch of wussies!

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Man... who necro's all the time these threads..?  :D




Too much realism =/= destroys the fun

Edited by irishroy

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Something that bugs me in the SA at the moment is the "I see a cloth I put it on immediately" thing, especially regarding shoes. You juts find and put on any pair of shoe/clothing you find, without having to worry about the size, fitting or anything. I agree that's simpler concerning gameplay and it would be complex to add to the game, but would it be better if we had to worry about the size of our clothing ?


For the upper body clothing, it would not be a problem, in the worst case a too tight clothing would protect less against the elements, but for pants, it would be inconvenient for running. (Maybe it would even crack up if you start sprinting too much ?  :P ) also, maybe if grabbing is added to the game, larger clothing would make you easier to grab and vice versa.


Shoes, however, should fit your foot if you don't want to risk an injury. Too short shoes could give you a slower run speed, and over the time foot injuries (not at the point of not being able to walk) whereas too large shoes would maybe fall off your feet if you run, or give you blisters over the time.


Also, gender-specific clothing (I'm not talking about skirts or anything) could apply to upper clothing. A women who would want to wear a hoodie which is shaped for males could be.. too tight in the torso zone ? I don't know what penalties that could create, but the community is creative !

The inegal part is that if a male want to wear a piece of clothing shaped for females it would just look unfit.


What do you think ?



Sorry if I missed a similar post, the search tool gave nothing. Sorry also for my potentially bad grammar/spelling as I'm not a native english speaker !

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whoops so sorry ! bad keyword in the search engine i guess ! thanks for noticing, is there a way for me to remove the post ?

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