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Weird lighting

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I've noticed that the lighting seems to go from very dark to so bright I can't see. I believe it's weather effects where the sun goes behind a cloud or something. The problem is the range of light/dark that it goes through. If I set my brightness/gamma so that it looks normal, when the sun goes behind a cloud it's almost too dark to see and then when it comes out it looks like the gamma is set way too high. Is there anything I can adjust to reduce the range of brightness it goes through or turn those weather effects off?

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I have it too, its very annoying. I believe that everyone has it.

It occurs especially when you walk in the forest, in between the shadows of the trees

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I'm having some crazy screen flashing going on when running through the woods. It goes from so dark to so bright, I still have spots in my vision as I type this. I thought it was due to my upgrading to Crossfiring two cards yesterday, but it's good to know others are seeing the same thing.

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Mine flashes then goes dark. Seemingly only when i enable crossfire.

Just played 2 hours of arma with no issues, booted up dayz with beta and boom - flashing occurs.

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Ah, sounds like there's no fix :( It really messes with my brain.

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I don't use crossfire... glad you found a fix, though!

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Disabling Crossfire didn't work for me. When I'm inside or have very little view of the sky, it's as bright/dark as it used to be before the latest DayZ and Arma2 (beta)patches, but the moment I have some view of the sky, it goes from okay to so dark I'm having trouble seeing my friend in the woods 10 meters away from me.

I can't play outside because of this. Can't defend myself against zombies very well, so what would I do against a player?

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