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More Loot would be rad !

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For a survival game Ive never seen so many empty dwellings - its not even realistic Q!

How hard would it be to throw some more 6 pack sodas ? tuna cans ? corn flakes ? on all those empty racks,sheds and houses. Thats not mentioning when you do get a weapon theres no bulletes or a hint of where ammo may be ? - come on MAKE IT FUN PLEASE ! The game is still habit forming lol :)

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in real world if it come to apocalips in 1week all cities and villages will be like desert....

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in real world if it come to apocalips in 1week all cities and villages will be like dessert....


I like dessert.

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I personally can find just fine most of the time but the current loot system that respawns on server restart is temporary.




Probably the system will be replaced in one of the upcoming patches.

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yeah.. after 60 hours playing, i can suggest that you live and die a bunch of times to "learn" where things spawn, so that you know where the nearest water and food supplies (and weapon spawn) are to each respawning site. I honestly would suggest doing nothing but dying and respawning for the first 10 hours, just to explore the various random spawn sites. Doesn't hurt to print out a copy of the map either, and break it down into 8 A4 sections, so that you can figure out exactly where you are, hence know your options better. If you need more gear, i suggest that you play the less populated servers (at day time) to find yourself the basic Pack, Axe, food and water (and a mountain of rag bandages). After that point you really only have to worry about other players. :rolleyes:

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