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Empty pack and mysterious map notes on log-in

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I had a somewhat weird experience when logging in today. In my last session, I got a lot of new equipment. Among it was an Alice Pack full of equipment. When I logged in today, the pack was completely empty. Not only that, but my water icon was flashing and my food icon was bright red (they were all green-ish when I logged out), and when I checked my map, it had a lot of new map notes I had never written. There were map notes about army bases I had never visited, and had typos I would never make. My character was at the same spot as when I logged off, though.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Are they related somehow? Any information about what might have happened is welcome.


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You mean like marks on the in game map. Its a ARMA feature, however depending on what von channle your in when you mark the map will allow more people to see it. If you mark something while in side chat as an example, everyone with a map on the server will see your marks. They are server side. So if you mark the map and log off they will stay till they are removed or server restarts. So what I think happened is you logged off, the server restarted or you got a another server. When you did someone else had marked the map on side chat, allowing you to see thier marks.

As to your pack sounds like a bug.

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Someone stole your ArmA II Identity.

Visit Cherno for assistance. Light a road flare and carry a chem light near city hall so an associate can assist you.

(ALICE bag got glitched, try to rejoin server, map markers are shared for everyone)

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All right, thanks for the responses. The map thing explains it all, then. I did change server (so many servers have been useless today).

As for the bag; I guess it glitched. I lost more M4 mags than I care to remember, but oh well. Is there something I can do to prevent this in the future? Like... not fill it to the brim before logging off? Or doesn't that matter?

Oh, and I did run to Cherno for assistance. I lit a road flare and carried a chem light near city hall. But all I got was more bullets. And they came flying through the air, not in magazines. So I just killed everyone and went back to the forest, where it's nice and quiet.

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Someone told me that I might've had my pack looted while in the debug desert. I have seen people spawning in a group before the game starts properly. I'm assuming this is the debug desert. So this is a place you can walk to? Isn't that a bit silly? How about limiting people from moving outside the map?

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I dunno. If you lost ammo, it was likely that you shot a few shots from each magazine, then reloaded. Every magazine that isn't full has a chance to be removed by the server.

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MY problem with the current zeds is that they will follow you to hell and back. The only real way to get rid of them (with no weapon or low ammo) is to go to a f***ing dock and prone your way to safety. The zeds need altering that is for sure but how it'll be done is not really up to me.

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