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Having Trouble joining a server [PLEASE LOOK]

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Okay I've searched for a fix everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE.

Before I carry on I'm using the STEAM version.

Basically when I go to join a server It says "You cannot play or edit this server" because basically something is missing, Now I'm 110% sure that there is nothing missing, I've read a guide and in it, it said to run "Combined Operations" which I did but when I ran it I quickly got a Black CMD box with an error which disappeared within a second.

Some told me to Run as Administrator which I did and it still didn't work.

Also tried playing both of the games and that didn't fix the bug, Got the latest beta patched, Didn't work.

Can someone please give me an answer I honestly didn't spend 25 Sterling just to look at the game.

Any help is appreciated. Will try to answer all the questions I can.

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did you add this to your start options on arma 2 OA on steam?

"-mod=@dayz" -nosplash -noPause -world=empty

that one works for me. I know there is others.

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I was having a problem similar to this and I copied the addons folder in the arma 2 file and pasted it into the arma OA folder and it solved everything. Whenever I tried to join a server it would start to work and then give me an error saying I couldn't play due to expansion parts not being present or something along those lines. Might not do any good but hopefully it helps you

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