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Can't see other people's direct communication chat

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Like the title says. Other people can see what I type, but I can't see what they type. I've got installed and the latest (93965) Arma 2 beta patch installed. Anyone know what the problem could be?

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Installing the latest beta is not the same as playing with the latest beta. Make sure your client says 93965 when you're starting it up.

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Installing the latest beta is not the same as playing with the latest beta. Make sure your client says 93965 when you're starting it up.

It does.

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Ditto. Everything is as it should be yet I can talk to people but not receive anything. My brother sits next to me to play and he can see what I type but I cant see his and when we met up with other people he could see what they were saying but I could not... Urm.. Wtf :D

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yeah i'd like to know the answer to this as well

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I'm having lots of similar issues with direct chat. I can type in it, but others don't see it and I don't see theirs.

Same deal: running latest beta patch and latest DayZ version.

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I get it on some servers myself but some i do

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Alright, I reinstalled Arama2, Day Z, and the beta patch in the EXACT way it says to on the stickied guide threads, and I STILL can't see direct chat!!! I've searched through the troubleshooting FAQ's and all the rest of it, so it seems I have no other choice but to beg you guys yet again for help. This is really ruining the Day Z experience for me. :(

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Same issue, it's really annoying. Everyone can see what I type in direct, but I cannot read anyones. Please help.

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Everytime i mret a person with a weapon they start aiming on me and kills me after some seconds, i think it is beacause i dont see what they`re sayin, this bug breaks the whole game experience for me, plz get it fixed.

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If you're going to remove sidechat and global, at least make sure that direct works for everyone, please.

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having the exact same problem, everyone i know can read what im typing, yet i cant read or hear what anybody else is saying, have everything installed up to date and this is getting really annoying.

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Okay, so nobody has any answers it seems. Could anyone narrow the problem down a little at least? I'm assuming it might be a problem with the beta patch, since I know that previous versions of Arma2 didn't have a working direct communication. The version number at the bottom right of the main menu matches the beta patch that I downloaded, but I noticed that the "server version" number on the multiplayer menu says that I still just have 1.60 installed. Could this mean anything, or does it say 1.60 for everyone, despite having the beta patch?

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All I know is I have had this bug for ages with Arma, long before DayZ.

I play on LAN with my mate ( domination, evolution missions etc) and the chat is bugged in the same way here too.

I see things on his screen that people have written in chat, but not on my screen. Some times the Global channel will work and not the side channel some times it will be another problem.

I saw so few people report it that I felt it was perhaps caused by the fact the two of us where playing on the same server, behind one external IP address. I don't believe this is the case though, I think it happens all the time. Have any of you that have had this bug been been in a separate real world location/Ip address to the person who confirmed that you where missing chat messages?

Needless to say that this bug must cause a lot of confusion, annoyance, bad feeling between players and major misunderstandings. Eg some one tks you, they apologise, but you can't see it. Now you think that person is an asshole, that is just one example. In DayZ it is an actual game breaker.

In fairness to BIS, it is very hard to trouble shoot. I wanted to report the bug ages ago, but I could never reproduce it accurately..so there was nothing for them to test. I am glad that so many DayZ players are having it though, because hopefully it will finally be fixed and not follow us into Arma3.

So in summery:

It's a long time bug, maybe even since Arma1.

It affects every channel and mission, not just Direct Chat or DayZ

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I'm having a similar issue with the chat. Someone in the same building was trying to get me to respond and I was. but he didn't see my chat. Another situation was a player could see my chat, but told me through Voip that he was chatting in direct com, but I couldn't see it. Please, I need a solution. this is a game breaker.

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Alright, I've checked and confirmed that all the servers I've joined are beta, and that my beta is installed and running, so that can't be the problem.

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the problem is with dayz, I've joined loads of arma2 servers playing the co-op missions and chat works on all channels no problems

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Anyone read my post? I have been playing Arma for years...believe me it is a problem with arma and happens in every mission.

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Anyone read my post? I have been playing Arma for years...believe me it is a problem with arma and happens in every mission.

well, i am sure it's a problem with the arma engine but this issue, for me anyway, only happens when playing dayz - any other mission i have no chat problems whatsoever

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Similar problem here, anyone managed to fix this?

I always use lastest betapatch and Direct Communication never worked for me on any server.

No Voice no text from other players and they cant see what im typing.

Only in Vehicle channel text from others shows up on my screen

Being unable to communicate is more than a gamebreaker,

please fix!

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I have exactly the same problem and it makes the game not nearly as fun as it should be.

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