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revolver sound

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I dont really know why its bothering me so much. its not a big thing. hell there are other much more bothersome things in the standalone currently, but the new sound effect for firing the revolver is really bugging me. before the latest update, when you fired the revolver, you got the loud bang you expect to come from a .357. after  the update though, I pulled out my trusty six shooter, pulled the trigger, and my first thought upon doing so was "did they suddenly lower the caliber on this gun?" I checked my inv and, no, its still a .357. I own a .357 I know what it sounds like. the old sound for it wasnt  perfect match but its a game, and the noise fit! before you got the satisfying crack of a real weapon being fired, now you get the almost toy like "pop" of a .22. maybe this isnt the right place for this, but its a suggestion, so I put it in the suggestion area.

Edited by saltmummy626
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Read the changelog old sounds are being added back in....

:/ when did that get put up? Man I have trouble followin dayZ development. alright, thanks, and sorry for wasting forum space.


[edit] er, actually I just looked at it and didnt see anything about old sounds being added back in. maybe I missed it, but I went over it a couple times.

Edited by saltmummy626

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Whats the point of a sidearm in dayz when it takes a year to pull it out.

Dean needs to make it so the chest holder will allow you to pull out whatever pistol you have in it, immediately after you run out of mags.

I stopped carrying a pistol, one weapon for me!

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