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Real faces in game?

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So I don't know exactly what feel the devs are going for in dayz ,but I just think it would be hilarious and make encounters more meaningful if we had the option to put our real faces into the game.  Seeing familair faces, either rivals or friends, would introduce a fun new angle to non KOS engagements. What do you guys think? would this be too difficult to implement?

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I think that's prétty difficult to implement indeed. I don't really know one single game who does that (right). I mean, how would you even begin to do this? Upload a picture? Can hardly be auto transformed into a 3D object. And I'd bet you'd get the weirdest faces (animals, objects, any picture on the internet)

Edited by Problematic

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EA has a system that trys to do this. Its called "Gameface"

Its by no means perfect and in my experience the outcome is not lifelike.

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And you could upload everything. A chicken butt.

Edited by jayleann
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I'm intrigued by this, brb checking it out.


Edit1: Lol as usual EA likes to keep things as complicated as possible, ofcourse you would need a browser plugin to upload a photo :rolleyes:


Edit2: Went horrible, looked like an alien but wasn't the best picture so I'm reserving my judgement. 

Edited by Problematic

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That's a good idea, I'd also like to see what Arma 2 have done where the lips were able to move when the person's talking; that's something I really liked because it makes you know who's speaking at the moment. It's unfortunate that didn't make an appearance in the Standalone(Maybe later on, not too sure)

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nah, you would just get a load of arse faces running about the woods...

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That's a good idea, I'd also like to see what Arma 2 have done where the lips were able to move when the person's talking; that's something I really liked because it makes you know who's speaking at the moment. It's unfortunate that didn't make an appearance in the Standalone(Maybe later on, not too sure)


I believe Rocket has posted somewhere on Reddit about wanting to expand the social interaction system and if I remember correctly he expressly mentioned the moving mouth thing so I'd expect it to come in the future.

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Whats to stop people from uploading, say, a penis?


And run around murdering people with a penis for a face.

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Whats to stop people from uploading, say, a penis?


And run around murdering people with a penis for a face.

If a penis can be drawn, it is drawn. The first law of the universe.

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Whats to stop people from uploading, say, a penis?


And run around murdering people with a penis for a face.


They'd have to be approved before being usable I guess.

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I can't agree. If the process was automated, there would be too many trolls that would upload stupid things.


...perhaps I can see it if uploads were done manually by the server operators side. In other words, a player submits a pic and name to a server admin and they rename the file to the user's steam name. Then the file is thrown into a folder so that when the player logs in, the custom pic overrides the profile pic. However, I don't see the majority of server operators wanting to do the work to review uploads.

Edited by RedDogMT

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